Slayer Sucks

Apr 23, 2006
I think that slayer are the most overhyped band out there and im fuckin sick of them. i know theyve influenced a hell of a lot of ppl/bands but i mean come onnnnnnnn how many times can a band say how much they hate god. dave lombardo is a fukn legend but kerry king is a dickweed and tom araya is a crappy vocalist. i wanna know if theres neone out there who thinks the same. i love all that thrash stuff, aswell as punk, hardcore, prog and rock but slayer just seem like a shitty band that ger praised way to much.:headbang:
Slayer's first 4 albums were fantastic, Christ Illusion isn't too bad either and Decade of Aggression is one of the best live albums out there. And they *still* rule live...(first time I saw them was in '91)...I like them...
i don't really listen to slayer much but to not acknowledge the importance they have had on the metal genre is naive. without doubt one of the most influential metal bands of all time, and for that i have the utmost respect
^listening to tentacles of whorror and tenth subsevel of suicide. nice

i don't understand why this thread exists.
I've always enjoyed Slayer for what they are. Their 80's stuff was great back in the day & I still enjoy it. And yes they are very good live.
Reign in Blood is so wonderfully put together for a metal album, first four albums are good, I don't know about essential but for me RIB is way out in front of the others.
Toms voice has really suffered, he couldn't do the older stuff on the seasons tour let alone now. Thats what age does to you. His vocals on the first 3 albums suited the music perfectly.

I have never really understood what all the fuss is about Kerry King anyway (i think its just cos he looks more "metal" and is more outspoken than Jeff)...Jeff is a far better guitarist and is probably responsible for every memorable slayer riff ever written.

Dave is just ordinary now by todays standards and the strides modern drummers have made. He was and still is highly influencial, to say that he is overrated is nonsense, pretty much any (younger) modern metal drummer will tell you, that he is one of the greatest and got them to pick up the sticks in the first place. Even my mate who drums for Gomez (UK indie band) says he is his favourite all time drummer.
Kir-ir-Bannog said:
Dave is just ordinary now by todays standards and the strides modern drummers have made. He was and still is highly influencial, to say that he is overrated is nonsense, pretty much any (younger) modern metal drummer will tell you, that he is one of the greatest and got them to pick up the sticks in the first place. Even my mate who drums for Gomez (UK indie band) says he is his favourite all time drummer.

I was talking purely about his drumming. Apart from some stuff on RIB, I cant say anything he's done in Slayer has struck me as being amazing or very interesting. But he was an important drummer yeah.