
I think their newest album is pretty damn good. Show No Mercy is still their best cd though. They're still not as good as Testament, Iced Earth, Sepultura, etc., but its worth listening to.

Does anyone know why Kerry King did a Sum 41 video?
Originally posted by TrueBeliever
I think their newest album is pretty damn good. Show No Mercy is still their best cd though. They're still not as good as Testament, Iced Earth, Sepultura, etc., but its worth listening to.

Does anyone know why Kerry King did a Sum 41 video?

show no mercy has horrible recording though - I'd say that either Reign in Blood or Hell awaits have the best recording/ song combination. Songwise i agree with show no mercy - if slayer were to remake that album it WOULD be the best
I saw Slayer Twice on the God Hates Us All tour...once with Bostaph and once with Lombardo. I walked away from the Bostaph show extremely dissapointed. Paul was missing and sloppy..the absolute worst I've ever heard Slayer sound! ( I haven't missed a tour since South of Heaven!) Then I saw them with Dave! All I have to say is WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO Slayer is back BAYBEE!!!! They were FLAWLESS!!! Gotta love that!! I'm looking forward to the tour with In Flames! They ROCK!! Soulfly is really going to be out-classed on that tour!!

P.S. My favorite concert to date was Slayer and Testament at the Salem armory in Oregon!! My two faves on one bill!! Still have my Souls of Black tour shirt!!! I wore it to In Flames and Iced Earth and when I met the guys from In Flames they loved it! They said Eric was going to play with them the next night in S.F.! YA SEE THAT?? EVERYONE LOVES TESTAMENT!!!!
I saw SLAYER three weeks ago at Ozzfest in Poland. Dave Fucking ruled, he's surely one of the best drummers out there. The whole band was awesome too and the crowd was just insane, singing every song with Tom (although most of them came to see Ozzy, not Slayer). Fortunately they only played "Disciple" from the newer songs (which is the one that sucks the least) at the beginning and then all the classics: "postmortem", "raining bloo", "war ensemble", "angel of death", "dead skin mask", "south of heaven" and others- the crowd just wouldn't let them go away, but they had to leave some time before Ozzy for Tool, which was OK, but didn't kick ass as much as Slayer, Decapitated and even Ozzy.
I hope TestAmenT comes to Poland soon
Originally posted by Sadistik
I can't even stand to listen to anything post Seasons's just bad....And the last two were embarassing. I think they're over and just don't know it yet....a band like Testament can twist and change over the years and still be as massively awesome as ever, while Slayer just sounds like Diet Slayer nowadays.....they might as well call themselves Chemical Warfare, because they sound like a cover band just going through the motions....

~I agree. Either Slayer's age is really showing, or they just can't make better songs than they did during the Lombardo era. They've had their time, now they're just taking up space... even more-so than Megadeth was. And I'm not just saying that because Kerry King is a dick who doesn't like any metal if it isn't Anthrax, Pantera or mall-core. The only way that I'd ever buy a new album from them is if they returned to their Show No Mercy style.