Sleep music


Sep 7, 2007
Looking for something to put on and fall asleep to. Genre isn't really important, but stylistically I basically want something instrumental or mostly instrumental, lots of repetition, good flow, and probably not too fast. I've had some success with Burzum - Belus, Agalloch - Ashes Against The Grain, and The Cure - Disintegration, but I'd prefer something with fewer vocals. Looking for albums, rather than songs - something I can put on, leave on, and drift off to sleep.
No recommendations too obvious and no genres or styles are out, but it has to be something I where I can get ahold of a physical copy without breaking the bank.
Tangerine Dream perhaps. Long airy passages that easily make you float away.

I've used Bo Hansson's Lord of the Rings album to fall asleep several times. Perhaps more restless than the usual stuff, but the songs have a stripped down cyclical nature that is very soothing.

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Check out "The For Carnation". Amazing 90's indie rock featuring members of Slint. Check out this tune from the self titled EP. It's one of my favourite albums to pass out to!

For something slightly heavier, Earth's drone record "Earth 2" is pretty amazing. It's all about this track:

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Deep House is pretty good for making you sleepy, or when your baked in the last hours of the night.

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Kammarheit's The Starwheel is an excellent dark ambient album. I believe this one is back in print so it shouldn't be a pain to obtain.

I would also recommend Death in June's Rose Clouds of Holocaust or But, What Ends When the Symbols Shatter?. These ones can be pricey to obtain, but occasionally they sell for cheaper prices on eBay.

I'm guessing you're already familiar with Sunn O))) ? I think they've got some stuff worth looking into like Black One, for something a little darker.

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We had a whole discussion about this on our show. These are what I recommend.
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These are a few of the albums that are always on rotation for sleepy time.

Hypomanie - Calm down you werent set on fire
God Is An Astronaut - All is violent, all is bright
Caspian - The four trees
Helios - Moiety
Trancelike Void - Destroying something beautiful
Explosions in the sky - The earth is not a cold dead place
Boku no koto & Yakusoko no nin - fujita junpei (japanese)
I am yours - texas in july
Explosion in the sky's Take care take care take care
Sigur Ros' Takk
Peaceful forest & Streamside - soundtemp
on my 8th day at sea - sun, cancelled
Lux e tenebris & Aurora - Viatrophy
Leila came round and we watched a video & Hilarious movie of the nine _ Four tet
Home - Rivermaya
When sun meets moon - Walid feghali