Slipknot-Slipknot. Engineering.


New Metal Member
Jun 29, 2007
Does anybody have any info on how this was recorded/mixed?

mainly the guitars, i'm blown away everytime i hear that tone and this is my favourite sounding album, EVER.

i've looked for stuff but have had no joy, if anyone can give me any info on mics etc. that would be amazing.


I know one of the guitarists (or both?) used an old Mesa DC-5 amplifier. Can't remember what cab or guitar though.

Due to Slipknot´s excessive namedropping concerning Rivera amps (on "Slipknot" AND "Iowa") combined with many interviews in which they named Line 6 Spider - amps I don´t think you can take everything for sure in this case...
Indeed, Micks Rivera cabs are fitted with the same Celestions as a Mode 4 cab. The biggest bottom ended Celestions do they claim :)
I think Ross Robinson had a usual bag of tricks out at indigo ranch at that time.

I know the vox were an sm7 through an ancient tube mixer (because I bought it from him)

Tons of obscure gear.
I love this album too, but there are better sounding Ross Robinson records out there. "Roots" being one of them.

Let's see a pic of that tube mixer, X!
I will, to be honest I was buying another one on ebay and I didnt want to have one of you fuckers bidding against me (now I have three!)
so I can post it now
I also remembered that he used the old black altec graphic eq's on the drums, big brutes that go or about $40 on ebay.
here it is in all it's glory!
the indigo ranch unit is the one on the left without a nameplate.
it's a pentron "mike mixer" (SIC)
I bought it from Indigo when they were liquidating their inventory. I bought the second at another auction after I became aware of them. A third is on it's way.
Supposedly the vox for roots,korn,3 dollar bill, slipknot,the burning red all that killer Robinson shit was recorded with this.
Caveat; the man was trying to sell it so you know maybe he BS'd me a little but if you listen to the out of the suffering stuff on my site I definitely hear the similarities in the screamy stuff, nice and grainy.
you can buy these babies on ebay for around $20 if you pay attention.
note the settings! vERY IMPORTANT (haha)




as you can see I dig old tube pres.
I also bought Trisha Yearwood's motu 1224, I suppose you guys don't want to see that. :Smug: