Master_Yoda77 Juggalo Mar 30, 2008 13,611 3,148 113 34 Chicago, Illinois Feb 11, 2014 #1 mmmmmmmmm
Funerary_Doom My head is bloody, but unbowed. Jul 16, 2012 3,127 1,307 113 New York Shitty Feb 11, 2014 #2 You're pretty cool, Yoda. Listening to this asap.
HamburgerBoy Active Member Sep 16, 2007 15,042 4,850 113 Feb 16, 2014 #4 Went into it with low expectations, heard the lame sing-songy intro song and was tempted to close it right there, but it actually seems pretty strong as it continues. Might buy this one.
Went into it with low expectations, heard the lame sing-songy intro song and was tempted to close it right there, but it actually seems pretty strong as it continues. Might buy this one.