Slow music news day....


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
This is news! (At least according to Blabbermouth)

U.K.'s Northampton Chronicle & Echo reports: A 14-year-old girl was robbed by a group of five people as she walked through St Giles graveyard in Northampton.

At about 8.15pm on Thursday the girl was walking through the graveyard with friends when she was approached by four boys and one girl.

They demanded that she hand over her phone but when the girl said she did not have one the group asked her to hand over her purse.

The victim gave them a black and silver CRADLE OF FILTH purse containing about £4 before the group made off in the direction of Becketts Park.

All of the group were aged about 16. Witnesses, or anyone with information, should call Northamptonshire police on 08453 700700. Alternatively, information can be given anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.