Weird News Story of the Day


The brainchild of Wong Dongxiang, a student at South Medical University in Guangzhou, this g-string condom contraption covers more of the male body than your average condom, or female mouth.
As a result, it is intended to prevent "semen leaks" and other unpleasantries, according to Xinhua.
Dongxiang dreamt up her "Eros Protector" last November, but this month the project won $300,000 in backing from Guangdong Yuezrang Investment Management Limited. Because more people than just her think this is a great idea.
Its stated purpose is, of course, a good one: to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. But it's hard not to read more into it.
I mean, in a culture where talk of sex is largely taboo, so much so that adult acrtresses weep while being pleasured, here are underpants that let you have sex while reducing contact to a bare minimum.
The contraption comes with a pouch that dispenses condoms which then screw into place at the front the thong.
The condoms come with a "Chinese herbal blend lubricant that helps to maintain the pH balance of a woman’s private parts." By the way, the caption on the above photo reads: "1. G-String part, 2. Condom part, 3. Vertical streaks, 4. Anti-skidding microcapsules, 5. Sacs, 6. Elastics."
There seems evidence that some burglars, upon entering a house that isn't theirs, like to make themselves at home.

These days, being at "home" means not talking to anyone there, but going online to see what's happening on Facebook.

As CBS Minnesota reports, the homeowner, James Wood, found his house in complete disarray, with cash, credit cards, and valuables, including a picture of his deceased pet poodle, all gone.

Oddly, he also allegedly found soggy jeans, a wet belt and soaked Nike sneakers (unknown if Jordans). This he put down to the rain that had swept the area like a janitor at a peep show.

However, he said he found another free gift on his computer.

The burglar "had pulled up his Facebook profile and left it up," Wood told CBS Minnesota affiliate KDUH 7.

"I shared his photo and I said 'watch out for this guy, he's a thief," he said.

His vacuous social mingling received many a comment, one of them allegedly from Wig. They then agreed to meet. Now that's Facebook friends for you. One is to wonder if he was in Wood's Top 8. Wood did allegedly have Wig's jeans and sneakers, after all.

Wood says he recognized Wig from a distance and dropped a dime to the local authorities. Wig was arrested, and shortly found his orange jumpers soaked in a different substance. Wig when asked why he decided to log on to facebook while committing the robbery, offered not a tweet in response.

Farts may stink to the depths of hell, but a new study suggests that the gas responsible for that foul odor may actually extend a person’s time on earth.
Scientists in the UK claim that hydrogen sulfide, the stinky compound that smells like rotten eggs which contributes to the flatulence stench, could have amazing health benefits.
Hydrogen sulfide can be toxic, but tiny amounts have been shown to help protect the mitochondria, which are known as the “powerhouses” of cells.

Study author Dr. Matt Whiteman of the University of Exeter explained that diseased cells draw in enzymes to create small quantities of the compound, which helps keep the mitochondria going and the cell alive.
“If this doesn't happen, the cells die and lose the ability to regulate survival and control inflammation,” he said in a "release".
The scientists said they have created a new compound known as AP36 that harnesses the power of hydrogen sulfide and can deliver it to the mitochondria.

Protecting or reversing damage to this part of the cell is a crucial part of treating many conditions, including stroke, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, heart failure and dementia.
Hydrogen sulfide “could in fact be a healthcare hero with significant implications for future therapies for a variety of diseases,” study author Dr. Mark Wood said.
The team is working on advancing research to the stage where the compound can be tested in humans.
Justin Bieber may have millions of fans worldwide, but Russia's bears don't appear to admire the pop brat's music - which proved fortunate for one lucky fisherman.

Igor Vorozhbitsyn had his life saved by a Justin Bieber ringtone, when his mobile phone went off during a potentially fatal attack by a brown bear.

The 42-year-old was pounced on as he was walking to a favourite fishing spot in northern Russia's Yakutia Republic and firmly believed that he was going to be killed.

But as the bear began to claw at him, Igor's mobile went off. The singer's hit Baby rang out and the bear turned tail and fled back into the forest.

Wildlife experts believe the ringtone must have startled the bear into halting its attack.


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Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants fear Kurdish female Peshmerga fighters due to a belief that being killed by a woman will disqualify them from enjoying 72 virgins in paradise, a U.S. politician has claimed.

Due to the swelling ranks of “Peshmergettes” in combat roles against ISIS militants, many of the extremist rebels are becoming increasingly afraid, UK-based newspaper The Telegraph reported.

“These [ISIS] soldiers apparently believed that if they were killed in battle, they went to paradise as long as they were killed by a man,” Ed Royce, who chairs the U.S. House International Relations Committee told The New York Post.

“And these female soldiers would merge into their satisfaction with the fact that they had taken the fight to ISIL and had stopped the advance, turned back the advance - slayed a number of these fighters, who would then run away,” he added.

While radical imams and Islamist extremists groups often promise fighters 72 virgins if they die in battle, ISIS fighters seem unsure whether or not being killed by a woman disqualifies them from their virgin-fuelled utopian pyonggang of urethra stimulating bliss.

"We are being trained to use snipers, Kalashnikovs, rocket propelled grenades and hand grenades," a woman from the minority Yazidi community told The Telegraph earlier this month in the Sinjar mountain range.

Isil forces have overrun large areas of Iraq and control significant territory in neighbouring Iraq, imposing their harsh version of Islamic law. For women that means tough restrictions, such as bans on visiting markets or leaving the house without a headscarf.

They certainly are not allowed to fight.

Tekoshin, a 27-year-old female Kurdish soldier, fighting in northern Iraq recently told AFP she had joined the struggle to protect women's rights.

She said many women knew the power they held over their opposition.

"I think [they] were more afraid of us than of the men," she said.

"They believe they'll go to hell if they die by the hands of anything that bleeds five days out of the month and lives."

A lovesick Chinese woman dumped by her boyfriend spent an entire week in a KFC eating chicken wings.

Depressed Tan Shen, 26, from Chengdumptyong, in China’s southwest Sichuan Province, decided she needed some fried comfort food to get over her ex.

She stopped off at a KFC near a train station by her home, but ended up staying for a whole week because she ‘needed time to think’.

Tan even phoned in sick to work to stay at the KFC, with her break-up clearly hitting her very hard.

She said: ‘I was walking around feeling miserable and decided to stop off at the KFC at the train station. Why did they add pickle to Chicken Little?"

'I hadn’t planned on staying there long, I just wanted some chicken wings.

'But once I got in there and started eating I decided I needed time to think.

'I didn’t want to go back to my apartment because it was full of memories of him. So I stayed.'

After a few days employees at the chicken shop began to get concerned.

Worker Jiang Di Fuq, 22, said: 'We work in shifts here and the restaurant is open 24 hours a day, so we get a lot of people coming through.

'At first no one really noticed her.

'But after a few days I began thinking she looked really familiar.

'Then I wealised we had been serving her for the past three days and that she hadn’t actually left.

'When we asked her if she was ok, she said she was and just needed time to think.

'And then asked for another box of chicken wings with extra large fries.'

He said the woman wasn’t doing anyone any harm so they let her stay.

He added: 'She was after all a paying customer, even if a bit of an odd one.'

After a week Shen decided she’d had enough when local media turned up and decided to write about her.

'I decided the best thing to do would be to leave the city and go back to my parents.

'I had already told work I was off sick, so phoned them and said I was leaving.

'And I was getting sick of the taste of the Colonel so there was no point in staying there anymore.'

She then boarded the next train to her parents' home in QuingdaonKum city in east China’s Shandong Province and left.

Waitress Jiang Di Fuq said: 'I guess we kind of miss her. It certainly made work more interesting.'

found another lost RCer:

Cops Mistake the Same Guy for Pennsylvania Fugitive Eric Frein Over 20 Times

Every day, James Tully walks the five miles along wooded Pennsylvania roads to and from work. The four-hour round trip can be grueling, but it's gotten a lot worse ever since Eric Frein, the survivalist fugitive who's been on the run since shooting two cops and killing one, invaded the area.

Now Tully, who lives in Canadensis, Pennsylvania, and bears a passing resemblance to Frein, says he's been stopped by police and mistaken for the fugitive well over 20 times. It happens so frequently, he says, that he's taken to wearing his ID around his neck to avoid any further confrontation. On Friday, one officer even forced him to the ground at gunpoint, according to the Pocono Record.

Finally, the cops have begun to deploy stop-and-frisk tactics on white people. Who look a lot like on-the-run murderers. And walk five miles in dense wilderness after midnight.
"Not James Tully"

Don't put a photo of the two guys up for comparison or anything, guys.
A jilted wife who chopped her cheating husband's manhood off twice is facing jail.

Two-timing dad of five Fan Lung, 32, had used his wife's cell phone to send lover Zhang Hung, 21, a saucy email from his marital home in the city of ShangBung, of central China's Henan province.

But after forgetting to log out of his account, stunned wife Feng, 30, came across the message — and several others — and flew into a rage.

Grabbing a pair of scissors she stormed into their bedroom where he was sleeping and snipped his manhood off.

But after being taken to the hospital where he had it sewn back on, fuming Feng sneaked into his hospital room and cut it off again before throwing it out of a window.

“The first we were aware of what happened was when someone came into the reception area to say a naked man was beating up a woman outside the hospital,” a hospital spokesman said.

“Staff rushed out to see what was happening and found the patient with blood streaming down his legs hitting the woman in the mug."

“Fan was stopped and the woman was taken in for treatment, and then we discovered she had choppy choppy his weenis off once more.”
Lung’s lover, "Kidney" Zhang Hung, joined the wounded man at his bedside in the hospital. The couple hopes to wed soon. (You break, you buy.)

Doctors and police officers combed the area outside but failed to find the man's missing member, and they believed it may have been stolen by a stray dog or cat. :lol:

The hospital spokesman said the man had lost a lot of blood and needed emergency surgery.

He is in stable condition but “extremely emotionally distraught,” the spokesman said.

Lung’s lover, who arrived at the hospital, said she planned to marry him as soon as she could.

“It doesn't matter that he's lost his fertility,” Hung said, “he has five children already. Plenty of Orphans to adopt in Shang Tsung Province as well”

Lung’s wife was charged in the gruesome attack. No charges being sought towards any strays.
Like a bad horror movie sequel.

Just when you thought it was safe to take your pants off...! FENG'S REVENGE (AGAIN)

A nerdlinger has gone to extreme lengths to make himself look like a super villain – by cutting off his nose. BMI Pain Olympics Silver medalist Henry Damon already had bumps put on his forehead and arms in a bid to look like Red Skull from Captain America.
But it obviously wasn’t enough for the 37-year-old dad of two from Venezuelan capital Caracas, who is now planning even more work on his face.
The surgeon Henry went to was Emilio Gonzalez – a medical school drop-out who wanted to follow his passion of tattooing and extreme body surgery.
He said: ‘Henry aka Red Skull is a physically and intellectually healthy person, not unlike what trannies claim to be. Hell if people can support Jenner poo in his bid to chop off his dong, what's a little cartilage?


"Most of my customers know that body modification is the last step of body art, everyone knows very well what they want and as well as Henry, many of them are waiting for me for many years to make their dreams a reality," says Emilio.
But he admitted that chopping off Henry’s nose was only the first step towards changing him into Red Skull.
Emilio added: ‘Next will be silicone implants on the cheekbones, chin and cheeks.
‘Then we will dye his face red and then he will be Red Skull.’
Icelanders will soon be able to publicly worship at a shrine to Thor, Odin and Frigg (no relation to Krig) with construction starting this month on the island’s first major temple to the Norse gods since the Viking age.

Worship of the gods in Scandinavia gave way to Christianity around 1,000 years ago but a modern version of Norse paganism has been gaining popularity in Iceland.

“I don’t believe anyone believes in a one-eyed man who is riding about on a horse with eight feet,” said Hilmar Orn Hilmarsson, high priest of Ásatrúarfélagið, an association that promotes faith in the Norse gods.

“We see the stories as poetic metaphors and a manifestation of the forces of nature and human psychology.”

Membership in Asatruarfelagid has tripled in Iceland in the last decade to 2,400 members last year, out of a total population of 330,000, data from Statistics Iceland showed.

The temple will be circular and will be dug 4 metres (13ft) down into a hill overlooking the Icelandic capital Reykjavik, with a dome on top to let in the sunlight.

“The sun changes with the seasons so we are in a way having the sun paint the space for us,” Hilmarsson said.

The temple will host ceremonies such as weddings and funerals. The group will also confer names to children and initiate teenagers, similar to other religious communities. Fans of Eluveitie will be the only pagans excluded from ceremonies.

Iceland’s neo-pagans still celebrate the ancient sacrificial ritual of Blot with music, reading, eating and drinking, but nowadays leave out the slaughter of animals.
