Weird News Story of the Day

The elegance of the bombardier beetle's defense mechanism caught the attention of scientists in Switzerland, who designed anti-theft technology that works like the beetle's anatomy.

The beetle does its thing by storing two chemicals—hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinone—in separate abdominal chambers. When the chemicals mix, they create a reaction that heats and partially vaporizes the liquids.

Chemists at ETH Zurich University found a way to replicate this effect using two chemical-filled honeycomb structures. They filled the hollow spaces of one structure with hydrogen peroxide, and filled the hollow spaces of the other with manganese dioxide. Then, they separated the two structures with a thin lacquer that breaks pretty easily on impact. If the two chemicals mix, a reaction occurs.

The scientists say their technology could be built into cash machines that would ooze hot foam when someone tampers with them, according to the university.


This video, apparently shot in Mumbai, shows concerned citizens fighting back against some very brazen people pissing in public. The Batmen of urine (we don't think they're cops, anyway) use a big tanker truck to patrol the city and unleash a torrent on any public urinators they come across. Public urination is so bad it's sprung vigilante opposition.
The stated purpose of the Pissing Tanker is to eradicate public urination as a whole—"your in, we in"—but at the very least, it should keep people from pissing in places where a freaking tanker truck can fire a water cannon at them.

:lol: :lol:
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india/china etc is a nice look into the future. the world is gonna be so awesome in another few decades when the population hits 10 billion. better get to work on that mars colony.
Disgusted diner Mai Liang was halfway through her fish and squid rings dish at a restaurant when she discovered a particularly ‘rubbery’ piece was actually a contraceptive.
Events took another bizarre twist when the owner of the restaurant in Anhui province, China, grabbed the condom and swallowed it.
‘It was disgusting. My first horrific thought was: Is it used?’ explained Ms Liang.
‘Imagine my horror when I turned it over with my fork and it turned out to be a contraceptive.’
Restaurant boss Yi Ze Teng says she ate the condom to stop the argument with her customer and has accused the diners of putting it in their food to get a free meal.
‘They said if I ate the condom, they would leave the matter, so I swallowed it,’ Ms Ze Teng revealed.
Given the geographical nature of the culinary mishap, Ms. Ze Teng claimed that it wasnt large enough to choke on. The diners have hired a lawyer in a bid to secure a compensation package.


Jimmy or no jimmy, that dish doesnt look too appetizing. :erk:
A South Carolina man who donned a bulletproof vest and asked a friend to shoot him was lethally wounded when his friend followed through on the request, authorities said.

Blake Randall Wardell, 25, of Honea Path was killed Wednesday with a single gunshot by 18-year-old Taylor Ann Kelly, authorities said. The bullet missed the protective Kevlar entirely, hitting Wardell's heart instead.

"The bullet went through the top edge of the material. It missed the vest," Lt. Sheila Cole, spokeswoman for the Anderson County Sheriff's Department, told the Los Angeles Times.

Kelly, a friend of the victim, according to Cole, told authorities that Wardell had asked her to shoot him after putting on the vest. Local media reported that he had found the vest in a garage.

Cole added that nothing had been ruled out while investigations are ongoing, and that Kelly was charged with involuntary manslaughter.

Bonus Story

You Won’t Believe What Was In Her McDonald’s Mayo ‘The Texture Was Familiar’. A Michigan woman was in disgust last week when she ate at a local McDonald’s. Lisa McDowell, 31, was having lunch with her friends when she decided to order a McChicken sandwich. She was halfway through with her sandwich when she noticed an extra clump of mayonnaise on the side of the bun. She licked it off, tasted it and immediately realized things were not right. “I’m not gonna lie,” McDowell said. “On Birthdays and holidays I give my man a little something extra in the bedroom, you know? So when I licked the mayo off of the bun, the texture was familiar.”

McDowell immediately called over the manager who denied the allegations, so she contacted the local health department. They sent the “mayo” remains off for testing and the results were positive for 2 different types of semen. To make matters worse, in the following days, McDowell woke with a giant red rash on the corner of her mouth. The rash spread and developed into severe blisters. The doctor was able to verify that she had contracted the herpes virus, which she claims was a result of her tainted McChicken.

Divorces are never pretty, but this one is pretty ugly. A man from northern China divorced and sued his wife for being ugly. He won $120,000 in the lawsuit and has once again made the world question the validity of phrases like “marriage” and “love”.

The northern Chinese man, Jian Yu Fug Lee, married his wife Sum Ting Wong and was reportedly absolutely in love with her. Soon, as will happen, she became pregnant and gave birth to a baby girl "Ohno", which was when the problems arose for Lee.

He thought the baby was incredibly ugly, to the point where it horrified him. The baby resembled neither of her parents, so FLee demanded to know who the father was, because jumping to conclusions about your wife’s faithfulness is the obvious thing to do when you have an ugly baby.

As it turns out, his wife didn’t cheat, but did gloss over the fact that she had spent $100,000 on intense plastic surgery to severely change how she looked before she met him. It’s the kind of thing that can slip your mind on the first date. After his wife revealed this to him, Lee took the only right-minded course of action and divorced and sued her, claiming that she got him to marry her under false pretenses. The false pretense presumably being that she was good looking. Incredibly, the (presumably male) judge sympathised with Lee and he won $120,000 in the case.

It’s usually the victim of court cases that you’re supposed to feel sorry for, but it’s kind of difficult to feel sorry for the man who is angry at his beautiful wife for being ugly at some point in her life. If you’re going to feel sorry for anyone, feel sorry for Ohno, whom will forever be known as the baby that broke her parent’s marriage – with her face.


names changed to protect the innocent, and garner a laugh
hahaha i totally glossed over the names the first time, when i read articles like that i usually dont even try to read em, my brain just processes them as chank name 1, chank name 2, baby chank etc.
Cows with ‘windows’ in their sides graze in Europe

Despite a wealth of technology, agricultural scientists in Europe are winding back the clock and using a bizarre technique to monitor their livestock — and specifically, what they have been eating.
The process called a cow cannula, involves cutting a hole directly into the cow’s stomach, creating a window, similar to a ship.
The cannula acts like a porthole and gives farmers direct access to the cow’s rumen, allowing them to see exactly what’s going on inside.
Once the cannula is surgically placed in the cow, the animal grazes for a set period of time before being examined.


Farmers can then pull out a plug, reach in and examine what the cow has been eating.
The practice was common in the 1920s and dates even further back to the 1830s.
Even though the cows are anaesthetised and are said to experience no pain, animal rights campaigners have branded the practice as cruel.
On the upside, researchers claim the technique can help the environment by improving the energy efficiency of cows, which in turn reduces the amount of methane gas they release.


As of press time, scientists were unable to determine her diet.
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Man Gets Probation For Making His Son Walk A Mile Home From School

A judge sentenced a Hawaii man to one year of probation and a $200 fine for making his son walk a mile home from school as a form of discipline.
Judge Kathleen Watanabe called the punishment "old-school" and no longer appropriate, the Garden Island newspaper reported Thursday.
Robert Demond of Kilaueangkemagun (kih-luhng-WAY'-uh-Kum-eh-Gen) said he picked up his son from school and asked about a matter of grave import. When the son didn't respond, Demond made him walk home to think about his transgressions, the little snot.
The age of the boy is unclear, though being Hawaiian, we're assuming well fed. Demond's attorney declined comment, while a prosecutor didn't immediately respond to a request seeking comment from The Associated Press.
Demond was also ordered to attend a parenting class after being convicted of endangering the welfare of a minor, a misdemeanor. Demond pleaded no contest and said he would handle the situation differently now after the case went through two courts.
Demond told Watanabe in court on Wednesday that he didn't think the punishment was morally wrong or criminal. He said it was a common form of punishment when he was growing up.
Watanabe said times are different today, given child predators and traffic.
Demond's attorney Margaret Hanson argued Demond had no criminal history and isn't a risk to the community.
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Gary Nelson said the punishment was inappropriate but Demond did it to teach his son a lesson, not out of anger.

Demond on Hawaii Rock 101.7 FM being interviewed on "how times have changed."*

Man pictured, not Mr. Demond
A man obsessed with Korean culture has gone to extraordinary lengths to look Asian after having 10 plastic surgery operations to change his appearance.

Xiahn, 25, who was originally known as Max, became fixated on Korean culture after spending a year studying in the country.

Xiahn, who goes by the pseudonym Oriental Gaucho online, watched hours of Korean soap operas and listened to K-Pop constantly – and in time became overcome with the desire to have plastic surgery so that he would look like a native Korean ala Oh Dae-su.

‘As you know, there are thousands of Asian eye styles,’ Xiahn told ‘I had one major surgery on my eyes and then small procedures to reach the correct appearance.’

Now Xiahn has plans to move to South Korea as soon as he can. North Korea couldn't be reached for comment.

I once had a friend who was half Korean, half dick. Great drummer until he smoked himself retarded.