Weird News Story of the Day

An arranged marriage groom was so upset when he saw his bride for the first time that he tried to drown himself.

Kang Huh, 33, stunned guests, family and friends when he apologised to bride Na Uhg Lee, 30, telling her that she was 'too hideous' to marry.

He then walked out of the wedding venue in the city of Shiyan in central China’s Hubei province - and was later seen walking along the river, which he threw himself into.

Pal Chan Wang said: 'The bride was devastated, her family were furious, his family were furious, and we his friends were embarrassed.

'Kang has very exact tastes and had been forced into this marriage.'

Passers-by who discovered Kang in the river called the police as they rushed down to help.

Qan Tsui, 25, who captured the scene said: 'He was fully clothed and floating face down in the water, tears mingling with the river's currents.

'He was unconscious and I thought that Sum Ting Wong.

'When the police arrived one jumped in and dragged him ashore with the help of foremen who put a rope around his chest to pull him out before pumping his chest.'They saved his life.'

Kang was rushed to hospital where doctors said he was in a stable, albeit distraught condition.

He later explained: 'I feel bad about what happened but when I saw her she wasn’t what I had expected and I realised she would be bad for my image.

'My parents had arranged this and I couldn’t see any way out apart from suicide.'



Greene County prosecuting attorney said Tuesday morning that Gypsy Blancharde, 23 (not 19 as previously reported), and her boyfriend, Nicholas Godejohn, 26, of Big Bend, Wisconsin. are charged with first-degree murder and armed criminal action for the stabbing death of Dee Dee Blancharde, Gypsy's mother.

Investigators say the awful comments posted on Dee Dee and Gypsy Blancharde’s joint Facebook account, which alerted friends, were both authored by Gypsy. Investigators say Gypsy called Nicholas Godejohn, her boyfriend, and he traveled to Springfield to pick her up and kill her mother because she asked him to do so.


The investigation found that Gypsy, who reportedly always used a wheelchair, did not take one and can walk just fine.

The sheriff says there are many questions about the Blanchardes' background, including financial fraud, and doubt that they were even Hurricane Katrina victims as they previously claimed. Investigators are continuing to look into the many “twisted details” as the sheriff calls them, in this case.

Dude & Daughter shown

Can't blame a chick for getting tired of big mama forcing her to keep up the sick/retarded charade, if that's the case. Sounds like a made-for-tv movie.

Devon Staples had been drinking with his friends and setting off fireworks Saturday night, before he placed a mortar tube on his head and lit the fuse, the Associated Press reported.
The firework exploded and killed Staples instantly, said Stephen McCausland, a spokesman for the state Department of Public Safety.
“When he suggested he was going to do this, his friends gathered around him and they thought they had convinced him not to do it,” McCausland said Sunday, according to the Bangor Daily News.
But before his friends could react, Staples set off the explosive, McCausland added.
His 25-year-old brother Cody Staples told the New York Daily News that it was an accident and that he was with his brother in a Calais backyard, when the firework went off.
“I was the first one who got there. There was no rushing him to the hospital. There was no Devon left when I got there,” Cody said. “It was a freak accident… Devon was not the kind of person who would do something stupid. He was the kind of person who would pretend to do something stupid to make people laugh.”

OKLAHOMA CITY - An Oklahoma man was sentenced Thursday to 30 years in prison for asphyxiating his stepfather with an "atomic wedgie" in December 2013.

Brad Lee Astiuc Davis, 35, of McLoud, pleaded guilty to first-degree manslaughter in May in the death of his stepfather. Pottawatomie County District Judge John G. Canavan Jr. rejected Davis‘ plea for a second chance to wedge once more.

Davis said he knocked down his stepfather, Denver Lee St. Clair, 58, and pulled the fruit of his father's loom over his head and around his neck, to the chortles of all but one.

This left ligature marks on the victim, according to police. The medical examiner stated the cause of death as blunt force trauma and auto-elastic asphyxiation.

Davis and St. Clair had been drinking together the night of the incident and began fighting when Davis claimed St. Clair began speaking ill about Davis‘ mother, who is St. Clair‘s wife.

But Davis had never intended to kill St. Clair, said Davis‘ attorney Bob Wyatt.

Davis was initially charged with first-degree murder in January 2014, and pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter in May.

Prisoner Surfs Out of Norway’s Most Luxurious Prison


If you’re familiar with Norway’s Bastoy Prison, you’re likely also aware of its reputation as one of the world’s nicest place to be locked up. Situated on a plus one-square-mile island, Bastoy features no walls or fences or cells, instead treating inmates to tennis courts, beaches and a sauna. It’s all part of the Scandinavian country’s emphasis on humane rehabilitation rather than harsh punishment.

But for one convicted sex offender in his 20s, the luxuries of Bastoy just weren’t enough. The inmate set sail from the island on a surfboard, using a plastic shovel to paddle less than two miles to the mainland. He has yet to be recaptured.

Escape attempts are rare at Bastoy, which was founded in 1982 and hosts approximately 115 inmates, partly because of its unparalleled amenities and partly because those who are subsequently caught have little chance of returning. Escapees are usually placed in one of Norway’s high-security facilities.

Bastoy is also notable for the amount of freedom it provides even high-level offenders: many of the prisoners are murderers, rapists and drug traffickers. Even so, the Norwegian approach appears to have proven largely effective. As of 2012, Bastoy had a recidivism rate of just 16% in the two years following prisoners’ release, compared with 43% over three years in the U.S., according to a 2011 study.

Perhaps most remarkable is the prison’s reaction to escapees:

When inmates come to his island jail, [Arne Kvernvik] Nilsen, the governor, gives them a little talk.
Among the wisdom he imparts is this: If you should escape and make it across the water to the free shore, find a phone and call so I know you’re OK and “so we don’t have to send the coast guard looking for you.”
It’s unclear whether the recent escapee paid the prison that particular courtesy.
The Seattle Aquarium has diagnosed a sea otter with asthma and is training the animal to use an inhaler.

KING-TV reports that Dr. Lesanna Lahner diagnosed the otter, named Mishka, after she was having trouble breathing when smoke from wildfires was in the Seattle area.

Mishka's trainer uses food to teach the 1-year-old to push her nose on the inhaler and take a deep breath. The medication in the otter's inhaler is exactly the same as what humans use.

Lahner says reduced genetic diversity could have contributed to Mishka's diagnosis. Sea otters went extinct in Washington and 40 years ago, Alaskan sea otters were brought south and reintroduced to the coast.

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A motorist scared of spiders gave himself a double shock when he accidentally set a gas station on fire trying to get rid of one using a cigarette lighter.

The man told authorities he saw a spider on his gas tank as he went to fill up and unwisely decided to use a lighter to remove it.

Video footage from the gas station in the city of Center Line, Michigan, shows the man’s horror as he realizes what has happened, and flames quickly envelope the pump and, presumably, the spider.

Gas station employee told Fox 2 on Friday: “He didn’t have a cigarette. He didn’t have anything on him. All of a sudden I look out and I see flames.”

The driver redeemed himself by grabbing a fire extinguisher and quickly putting out the fire as Adams cut off the gas supply and called firefighters during the incident earlier in the week.

The fire destroyed the gas pump, though the motorist’s vehicle suffered little damage.
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And now there will be warning labels at gas pumps: Do Not Light Spiders On Fire Near Gas Tank. said:
As you may have heard, Playboy is going to be non-nude starting with the March 2016 issue, which actually comes out in the month of February, because that’s how magazines roll. This means the models, celebrities and, yes, Playmates will not be naked for the first time since our founder Hugh Hefner laid out the first issue in 1953.

The question everyone will likely be asking is, “Why?” Playboy has been a friend to nudity, and nudity has been a friend to Playboy, for decades. The short answer is: times change.

When Hef created Playboy, he set out to champion personal freedom and sexual liberty at a time when America was painfully conservative. See: any popular movie, TV show or song from that era. Nudity played a role in the conversation about our sexual liberties, and over 62 years the country made great strides politically and culturally.

We like to think we had something to do with that.

Last year we re-launched as a safe-for-work site and discovered something about our readers and our identity: The Bunny transcends nudity. Tens of millions of readers come to our non-nude website and app every month for, yes, photos of beautiful women, but also for articles and videos from our humor, sex and culture, style, nightlife, entertainment and video game sections. We are, and always have been, “entertainment for men” – with award-winning journalism and fiction to boot. Playboy is a cultural arbiter of beauty, taste, opinion, humor and style.

Yes, we’re taking a risk by going non-nude, but this is a company—like all great companies—that has risk in its DNA. It was built around a magazine virtually no one thought would succeed, yet now it’s impossible (for us, anyways) to picture a world without Playboy. Our journalism, art, photos and fiction have challenged norms, defied expectations and set a new tone for decades.

So we say: Why stop now?

CNN said:
Robin Zucker is the senior vice president of digital marketing at Playboy. She understands the fact that Playboy is a publisher and if you want people to read your content, you better make it Web and work friendly. Under her guidance, Playboy relaunched its website with a "safe for work" strategy in 2014. Everything was PG-13, and there was no nudity at anymore.

It worked. After relaunch, Playboy said it saw a 258% jump in unique visitors. The average age of its readers went from 47 to just over 30, company executives said, and its Web traffic increased from 4 million to 16 million unique users per month, according to The New York Times.

There is a reason for that. The No. 1 source of traffic to most websites are social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Facebook is the largest source of news and drives more traffic to media sites than Google. And here's the rub for Playboy -- none of those social networks allow nudity.
Oh. :Puke:
This goes along with the SJW objective. Who would have thought after living through the 90s, where delicious tatas were pretty much shoved down our eye sockets at every given turn, that feminists and basement dwelling white knight nerdlingers would crusade to have every female under 130lbs clothed under Shania Law. It may not be the circumstances involved in this decision, but given how PC everything has become, I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't have some bearing on the matter. Nobody is going to buy that mag for "how to concoct the best bloody mary" shit articles. Only reason to peruse it is for delicious tatas. This news vexes me to the core, as Playboy was a coming of age publication that I enjoyed many a time behind the literal wood shed. I recall grabbing a mag or two from my Uncle's stash and taking it to the far depths of the backyard for an adolescent awakening. Knuckle balled more times than I count to Vanna White, Carmen Electra, and random <insert brunette> here.

Think of the children!
I cancelled my prescription a few months back, after many years of loyal readershit. It just became far too hipster for me. The boobs were nice, the Advisor hilarious, and the interviews usually pretty good. But man, once I started seeing wine-in-a-can articles with Misfits t-shirt wearing sommeliers, I said fuck this. However, only now am I confident that I made the correct decision.