Weird News Story of the Day

According to the
Orlando Sentinel, a Florida police officer was fired for joining the death metal band VITAL REMAINS on stage last week and singing the song "Let The Killing Begin" in full uniform.

Andrew Ricks was on duty on November 13 when he appeared at the West End Trading Co. in Sanford, Florida and was videotaped throwing a "devil's horns" hand gesture and apparently motioning to the audience to start a mosh pit before singing (see video below, think of the children).

Police Chief and full blown up tight hack Cecil B. Smith, who relieved Ricks of his duties Wednesday morning, said in a statement: "An incident of this nature erodes the thin fibers of trust which already exist between the community and the police and it will not tolerated within the Sanford Police Department."

He continued: "It is important that the agency must maintain and improve upon the trust built within the community. Based on the information received, it is imperative that we have no misinterpretations of the immediate actions taken by the police department in situations of this nature and that we will continue to provide professional service to all citizens of Sanford."

Fuck that shit. More cops should point out the stupidity of Christianity. Maybe he should've just killed an unarmed black kid, Florida is cool with that.

Hey here's some more stupid:
El Guardiano said:
Jennifer Lawrence removed from Israeli Hunger Games posters

The star of Mockingjay – Part 2 has been deleted from marketing materials in Jerusalem and some other cities to avoid offending religious audiences.

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 has opened in cinemas around the world, but there is one territory that will be seeing a bit less of star Jennifer Lawrence.

Posters for the final part of the dystopian action franchise in some parts of Israel have been redesigned so as to remove the Oscar-winning actor. Instead, Katniss Everdeen and her bow and arrow have been replaced with a mockingjay in a handful of cities across the country, including Bnei Brak and Jerusalem. “We discovered that public posters with the image of a female are often torn down in Jerusalem, while Bnei Brak does not allow posters with female images,” a representative of the film’s Israeli PR firm said to Ynet.

The city of Bnei Brak’s ruling on images of women is based on a fear that they “might incite the feelings of the city’s residents”, according to the Israeli website Haaretz. A marketing executive for the company hanging the posters in Israel said they have had “endless vandalisation” in the past, so chose not to take the risk.

DAMN MUSLIMS oh wait these are Jews. DAMN JEWS oh wait now I'm racist.


Is this band any good? I've never heard them. I just listen to Thorr's Hammer instead.
Really, the only possible salvation for the middle east is a return to ancient Mesopotamian religion. Worship Ishtar and Tiamat, fuckers. You were a lot more fun then with the whole harlot priestesses, too.
That looks like a Monty Python skit to me honestly. Also, is the chick in the orange hat a bit of a cutie? I don't trust my own acumen anymore.
The vocalist for long-running NYC death metal band Pyrexia, Erick Shute, was arrested early this morning for the alleged murder of three people in Morgan County, West Virginia. Following an eight-hour manhunt across several states, Shute was apprehended in Pennsylvania. The three victims are dead, Shute is in custody, and according to Morgan County Sheriff Vincent Shambaugh, "It was a property dispute over some firewood, or something of that nature."

According to WSAZ, investigators say that the three men were shot while clearing wood and debris from a roadway adjacent to Shute's property, where Shute—a "doomsday prepper"— was believed to be building a compound. Sheriff Shambaugh says Shute ambushed the men with a rifle from a wooded area nearby. One victim was able to get away, uninjured, but the other three— Travis Bartley, 24, his father William Bartley, 53, and Jack Douglas, the father of Bartley's partner, with whom Bartley has a small child—died from their injuries.

A self-declared "sovereign citizen" (i.e. part of a movement that essentially believes that taxes are illegal and that they shouldn't have to follow federal laws), Shute was known to local law enforcement thanks to his propensity for filing property disputes (including multiple complaints against his alleged victims), a 2009 incident in which he upset local veterans by hanging an American flag upside down to protest the government, and a 2011 indictment for assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest.

Shambaugh elaborated on Shute's "sovereign citizen" views to the WV MetroNews, saying, “These folks, they don’t want to pay taxes. They don’t want to recognize local government. They want to build these compounds back in these places away from everybody. They’re preparing for the end times and to be the survivors. He’s tried to recruit some locals to help him build his compound with his little group of sovereigns. He’d talked to the locals about his compound with a cache of weapons and ammunition stored there. That’s where they are all going to go in the end times.”

Shute appears to maintain multiple Facebook pages (where posts reflect his political views and animosity towards the police) and Linkedin accounts, as well as a website descibing himself as a "venture capitalist." It was on one of his Facebook profiles that he posted a message asserting that the shootings had been in self-defense, and that the three men he shot had owed him money and previously threatened him.

Dude looks like he should be the vocalist for WitTR

The authorities in the south Indian state of Karnataka are investigating after hundreds of villagers violated coronavirus restrictions by parading through the streets during a mass funeral for a dead horse.

Officials say they're now restricting the villagers' movements and testing them for the coronavirus.

The horse was released into the village last week from a local Hindu ashram and, in a prayer ceremony, was dedicated to a local deity.

Villagers hoped its presence would protect them from the coronavirus.

But after several days of roaming freely, it died.

Footage of Sunday's funeral showed crowds of people walking shoulder to shoulder, many without masks, then gathering for the final rites.

Is it any wonder they are ravaged by corona with this level of stupidity.
“‘Relax,’ Matt murmured, and then he sank his teeth into her shoulder. He pinned her hands over her head and ground his hips against hers. She could feel his erection, hot against her stomach.

” … She couldn’t remember ever feeling so heavy, as if her heart were beating between her legs. She clawed at Matt’s back to bring him closer.

“‘Yeah,’ he groaned, and her pushed her thighs apart. And then suddenly Matt was inside her, pumping so hard that she scooted backward on the carpet, burning the backs of her legs. … (H)e clamped his hand over her mouth and drove harder and harder until Josie felt him come.

“Semen, sticky and hot, pooled on the carpet beneath her.”

so this passage^^ is in a novel "about a school shooting and the people it affects"??
does a novel "about a school shooting" really need a sex-scene??
what the hell??
The authorities in the south Indian state of Karnataka are investigating after hundreds of villagers violated coronavirus restrictions by parading through the streets during a mass funeral for a dead horse.

Officials say they're now restricting the villagers' movements and testing them for the coronavirus.

The horse was released into the village last week from a local Hindu ashram and, in a prayer ceremony, was dedicated to a local deity.

Villagers hoped its presence would protect them from the coronavirus.

But after several days of roaming freely, it died.

Footage of Sunday's funeral showed crowds of people walking shoulder to shoulder, many without masks, then gathering for the final rites.

Is it any wonder they are ravaged by corona with this level of stupidity.
which dumb-ass village was this??