SM7B Vs MD421

Like this: Re 20 and Sm57 (5150 and Mesa 4x12")
Thread 1

or this (Single Rectifier, same cab)
Thread 2


I don´t own a SM7 but I got some Sennheisers and I don´t like them on guitars very much. They sound too smooth for me.

The MD421s sound very nice on toms but they pick up very much bleed from the cymbals if you place them too near.
I used to record toms with SM58s and I didn´t have such problems with them but they didn´t sound as good as the Sennheisers...
sm7b and re20 are a good comparison

421 not so good with them two

i love 421/57 on guitars
also sm7/57 sm7 is fuller and smoother than the sm57 but not as mid hyped as the 421

i do like the re20 on vocals though, it takes less gain than the sm7b and more proximity.Overall i like the sm7b more imo.. but there very close