smackdown question

i liked the powerbomb into death valley driver combo from wrestlemania 2000. also the neck crank was pretty lethal as well.

its all about aiming for the neck. i have perfected doing seven of the mildly powerful stunners in a row.
"mildly powerful" = this conveys a quiet majesty!

sort of like "silent, but deadly", yet better. much better.

i still haven't made it to the top of the cell. i can barely get the belt in TLC matches.

you guys have to like the shining wizard/flash magic knee strikes. BRUTAL.

running kneestrike to chin. not neck. not chest. not forehead. chinny.
and nick if you are going to be in RI soemtime soon, remember to bring your memory card and Smackdown Schooling with Professor Massi will commence. and if josh comes down i have the multi-tap for some hot three way action.

And yes i meant for that to sound as gay as possible.
have any of you seen the hangman's ddt or the ganso bomb as it is called in japan, it's fucking sick. Another good one commonly use din backyard wrestling is the release orange bomb. But go for the hangman's ddt, it was in wrestlemania 2000 so i imagine it should be around on smackdown, though i do not one aforementioned game.