small bag of memories

Thanks for the pics Mabi- it was great to finally be able to meet you again.
I had a total cultur shock arriving to Germany- Xmas stuff everywhere, when my mind os completly different things.
I think Ill celebrate Chanuka instead. Could you send me some of that friday night bread I love???
I think maybe Nathalie has a craving for Sufganiot.;)

the best thing is having an integrated holiday...we have the lighting of the candles oh chanukkah and the christmas tree so why not set a christmas tree on fire....
Bleh, I hate fried foods. Latkes are fine when they are baked. I won't be eating any sufganyot.

That's what Hannukah bushes are for *restrains from making vulgar, nasty remark*
I had a total cultur shock arriving to Germany- Xmas stuff everywhere, when my mind os completly different things.
I think Ill celebrate Chanuka instead. Could you send me some of that friday night bread I love???
Same here, furthermore we are studying it at the course and all the people around me is talking about Hanuka and not Xmas :D
Anyway I never cared about Xmas stuff. Hanuka is much more interesting, historically...

This Christmas stuff makes me think about a french jewish joke:
Salomon and Abraham are chatting
Salomon - "Hey achi, I sent my son in Israel, he came back converted to christianism..."
Abraham - "What? Amazing! My son went in Israel and came back as a christian too! Hey let's go ask the rabbi what is going on"

So Abraham and Salomon go to the rabbi and explain the situation.
Rabbi - "What! You won't believe it... I sent my son in Israel too. Guess what? He goes to the church now! Yallah let's go ask to God, cause I don't know what's going on!"

So the rabbi goes ask to God about all this mess...
God - "Hey you know... I'll tell you the story of my son..."
Challah bread? Olive loafs are better.

hehe you should taste my chala bread before:cool:

You know I find the christmas fever also annoying,but back at home in poland we celebrate it differently.Its more traditional and less commercial.
As a matter of fact sometimes its less about the religious celebration more about forgiveness and family getting together...with some typical traditions dated back to pagan times...

So the best thing I can do here in Israel is probably celebrate both Chanuka and Wigilia:

Looks like on 24th we gonna have 12 dish dinner with red barshch and paszteciki;)
I just don't like challah period. There's no nutritional value, it's too sweet, it feels like you're not really getting anything out of eating it.

I love the commercial aspect of the holiday season. Streets are filled with people shopping, lights are everywhere, stores are open until midnight. It gives me a warm, fuzzy, spoiled American feeling inside:)
hehe you should taste my chala bread before:cool:

You know I find the christmas fever also annoying,but back at home in poland we celebrate it differently.Its more traditional and less commercial.
As a matter of fact sometimes its less about the religious celebration more about forgiveness and family getting together...with some typical traditions dated back to pagan times...

So the best thing I can do here in Israel is probably celebrate both Chanuka and Wigilia:

Looks like on 24th we gonna have 12 dish dinner with red barshch and paszteciki;)

I love paszteciki...

even though icredibly commerciallized...I miss that christmas feeling
no snow, no descent holiday- everyone works and studies during hannukah, no special dinners...just a litttle shampange on new year's eve
I love paszteciki...

even though icredibly commerciallized...I miss that christmas feeling
no snow, no descent holiday- everyone works and studies during hannukah, no special dinners...just a litttle shampange on new year's eve
If I ever remember a New Year's Eve, I know it sucked. I HAVE to drink 1 full bottle of champagne and 1 bottle of arack. It's my own tradition.
well if you're mixing drinks av corpse it's going to be a shitty night
I usually hang with my friends or go to a concert or get shitfaced or all of the above on new year's...much better than watching shitty russian christmas specials on tv or rotting in front of the computer all night.

arack on new year''re nutts
people like you are the reason when I return home from the bar on new year's i can't walk 2 feet without stepping in someone's vomit.
arack on new year''re nutts
people like you are the reason when I return home from the bar on new year's i can't walk 2 feet without stepping in someone's vomit.
I'll take that as a compliment :)
I know mixing is bad, but I don't really care. I only mix on special occasions.
But I didn't mean that when I mix drinks that the night will suck, what I meant was that if I don't drink enough, the night will suck.
Bad drunk as in you cannot hold your liquor well or bad drunk as in violent?
If it's the latter, Ilan better be careful since you apparently wanna kick his ass again.