small bag of memories

:OMG: 4 sips of beer? I was able to hold in more when I was a baby!

I have a few different drunk personalities, depending on the mood I'm in. All involve singing songs off of King Diamond's Abigail and Manowar's Battle Hymns, falsettos and all (I cannot sing worth shit by the way).
One drunken me is coming on to any woman I see, which is not always appropriate (I did that at the synagogue on Simhat Torah).
Another is me threatening to beat the shit out of anyone I see (although I haven't really done that too much in the past 2 or 3 years).
There's also one of me screaming out how much different bands kick ass.
I have 3 drunk personalities
1. the wobler- in which i woble on my way home from the bar
2. the one who passes out- that happened only once and since then i limit myself to 4 pints of beer tops.
3.the insomniac- which after coming home from the bar starts posting stuff on UM.
no woman has ever complained before but maybe it's because they were drunk too:lol:

my respect for the ladies does not wash away with booze...i just joke more when I'm drunk