small, budget near fields for mobile rig

beyond dead

heavy metal dad \m/
Sep 26, 2007
peterborough, ontario, canada
hey dudes, Im thinking the best way to expand my rig at the moment is to get some smaller nearfields for location recording/preprod in rehearsal spaces. I would probably use them as an alternate reference for mixing/mastering as well. I already own yammy hs80`s, but it would be nice to have another set of monitors to a/b mixes with other than a crappy consumer type system.

so im thinking either the 5" krk rockit or m-audio bxa5 or whatever. I was also considering the samson ribbon monitors as well. I may get a sub to complement them as well.

Im up for suggestions too. Im leaning towards the krks, because I know they translate pretty good, and many engineers i respect are using them. I would prefer to keep it under 300-400 $ im in canada, so its a bit less than usd.

I could just try them at a store, which I already have, but we all know that you have to get used to a pair of monitors before we can really judge how well it translates ect.

thanks guys!
I absolutely love my Samson Rubicons, but they definitely aren't small and portable. Maybe the KRKs...
MSP5's would get my vote, from all I've read they seem to be the most "monitor-like" of the small, semi-affordable nearfields (as opposed to the BX5a's, which IME are a bit scooped, making them sound "good" but not particularly accurate)
MSP5's would get my vote, from all I've read they seem to be the most "monitor-like" of the small, semi-affordable nearfields (as opposed to the BX5a's, which IME are a bit scooped, making them sound "good" but not particularly accurate)

yeah, I have heard good things about the msp5`s! I had a pair of fostex pmo.4s, and they were much like how you describe the bx5a`s. they had a bit of scooped low mids, and exaggerated low end to make them sound like large speakers.

I guess at this point its come down to whether I should get very accurate monitors, or ones that will impress clients. I know that clients prefer to hear things sound pretty close to pro from the get go. thats why i do preprod with pods and dfh. Im not sure how much i will use these for tracking stuff that will actually appear on recordings. I think ill go accurate, Because i would like to have a mobile recording rig for doing drums in nicer rooms.

so its yammy msp5`s, or krk rockit 5`s. leaning towards the yammys....

is there a reason i should still consider the krks? Im wondering if the msps would be much different from my h80s?