Small Gordian Knot update

sean malone is a great bass player and has written some great songs, but he has been "prickly" and insecure in the past on public Net places about other peoples' opinions of his music , including personal attacks on those critics' music. that might explain his reaction about that web stuff, which is certainly entirely his pervue, even though it might seem overly sensitive to some.

also, since Aghora came out, uninformed fans have called it "a project of ex-Cynic guys" when it was really the band of leader and main songwritiner Santiago Dobles. Rienert was in the band, but Malone was just filling in. maybe Malone felt that Aghora wasn't "his" band, the way GK is, and that it was better to leave the Aghora web presence to Dobles' Official Aghora page.
I can see where Sean is coming from, the whole Aghora issue was an unfortunate mis-understanding with everyone involved, however he does come across as a little standoff-ish.

For the record he is very cool to fans and was always good about responding to the occasional email, besides his music is so cool and it's not like he's Yngwie or anything. :)