Small monitors for home/project studio under 500€


May 29, 2011
It's been talked a lot of times about this topic, I've searched older threads, but still need help with final decision.

My situation: not ideal, obviously. Bedroom with lowered ceiling, 4mx3,7m, my workspace can be in the corner of the room. Proper acoustic treatment is not an option, however I'd like to buy some 2" Auralex wedge panels which I'm planning to place behind monitors and I'm thinking about making some portable absorber panels, which can be placed behind me while working. Also thinking about placing them higher and with slight downwards direction, so first thing behind me that sound waves hit will be bed, which can act as some kind of absorber, and then from wall (where I cannot put anything - that's reason why I'm thinking about making portable absorbers) to the lowered ceiling.

But anyway, my workplace is small, so I'm looking for physically small boxes, rear ports are out of scope as they'll be placed close to the wall, max 5" woofer. For critical bass monitoring I'll use pair of Ultrasone Pro2900 headphones which I used for mixing so far with pretty good results, but I need to check my work also on real speakers.

I was looking at pair of Equator D5 or Adam A3x (A5x are physically too big I think)..any other suggestions? Thanks for help
I'm a happy Equator D5 user. I can't provide any compare/contrast as these are the first monitors I've ever owned. I hear a lot of good stuff about the Yamaha's as well.
I'd cast a vote for equator d5's too. I've only owned those and krk rokit 5's and equators win. I've had some issues with them, but their customer support is beyond good so I'll gladly recommend them for you.
love the d5s i had a pair in my apartment for a long time before i moved them to the studio, mids jump out on them, i have them paired with a set of genelec 8040s and they cope well, i think everything sounds good on the gens so the equators are a good eye (ear) opener when i switch to them, does the same job as the NS10s we have in the other studio paired with gen 1030 and the sE Eggs,

but yeah for that price you just cannot go wrong with the D5s, i love them, with a good pair of headphones you should be more than set. But in saying that i havent had any experiences with the adams mentioned