Snare 12A z1 Crack 5


No Care Ever
does anyone else hear a voice at the end of snare 12A Z1 Crack 5 on the slate samples?
It's just a "Ha" and could possibly be the beginning of someone saying "harder"

I've been hearing this voice here and there all day long while editing drums, and i thought i was going crazy until i singled out what it was haha:zombie:
lol! is there a way to post that part of the clip?

not sure of how to without posting the actual sample, and i'm not sure how much mr slate would like having one of his samples posted on here for anyone to download

plus its super hard to hear(like you have to have headphones on and turned up pretty loud.

It's definitely not something that could be heard in a mix though, thankfully
not sure of how to without posting the actual sample, and i'm not sure how much mr slate would like having one of his samples posted on here for anyone to download

plus its super hard to hear(like you have to have headphones on and turned up pretty loud.

It's definitely not something that could be heard in a mix though, thankfully

Everyone worries about this way too much, imo. Posting one snare sample as a demonstration is not the same thing as "offering Slate drums for pirates." If you post a wav of one sample as a demonstration, if someone wants to save it and use it as a sample, there's no stopping them, but they will not have multiple samples per velocity hit, or multiple velocity hits, etc. In the end, posting one sample would be the same as someone posting a full mix that happens to have one snare hit as a pickup note at the beginning.

If someone fails to see that logic, then I guess I'll have to say it's "just my opinion" :lol:
Besides, Slate himself has said it's perfectly fine to give someone a drums only mix.

Furthermore, you could always hugely limit the snare and post it so a)the snare is unusable, and b) it's easier to hear the talking at the end
There's voices in almost all of the snares. There's tons of little things like this that I really wish Slate would either A.) have taken care of before release as a measure of QC or B.) acknowledge it's existence - he tends to ignore these threads. Love the product, but it's FAR less professionally presented/put together than the company would like you to think.
^ I kind of got that impression from the folders scattered everywhere on 2.0 :lol:

The presentation may leave a lot to be desired, but these have 'the sound', so I'll pay it.

I think a more relevant thread would be when someone amongst your listener base approaches you after somehow hearing a tiny voice buried under layers of rhythm guitar, after every snare hit. If you had a penny every time that happened, you'd still be broke.

FWIW have these been cleaned up in 3.0?
There's voices in almost all of the snares. There's tons of little things like this that I really wish Slate would either A.) have taken care of before release as a measure of QC or B.) acknowledge it's existence - he tends to ignore these threads. Love the product, but it's FAR less professionally presented/put together than the company would like you to think.

perhaps this is his way of watermarking them hahaha. if he hears a sample he thinks is his, he listens for his voice talking while the sample is going.


he just doesnt give a shit.