Snare 12A z1 Crack 5

There's voices in almost all of the snares. There's tons of little things like this that I really wish Slate would either A.) have taken care of before release as a measure of QC or B.) acknowledge it's existence - he tends to ignore these threads. Love the product, but it's FAR less professionally presented/put together than the company would like you to think.

on some there's "drummer puts sticks on snare" noises, some are just cut before the sound has fully decayed, voices on others...
that's why I usually aonly use like 3 of the five samples, cause not all are usable.
they still sound good but I must admit that annoys me a bit sometimes that stuff like that happens on a professional product
hmm, I bought v1.5 long time ago and I was told that version 2 would be free of charge. After some time I asked about the upgrade (that was a few weeks before v3 should be released) and they told me to buy v3 instead of getting v2 for free. LAME!


Seriously though, they treated me very well and there were no problems with the free upgrades whatsoever. I got version 2, 2.5 beta and then 3.0, the latter of which is a large improvement by the way. Did you ask again? I wouldn't have accepted an answer like that and based on what I experienced I can't really belive Mr. Slate would.
I have the 3.0 samples sitting in a drawer in my studio, but i'm still using the 2.0 for some strange reason. I guess this would be a good reason to start using the 3.0 versions of the samples since it seems that alot of the problems have been taken care of on that version.
Hey guys. Most of these are 2.0 issues.. we tried to get all of this stuff in 3.0 and I think we nailed 90% of it.. hence the reason the 3.0 guys aren't hearing them..

As much as I'd love to say that we edited 6,000 samples all perfectly.. there is gonna be some minor things like that here and there, and a simple email to alert us does the trick.

BTW if you are a 2.0 guy and haven't upgraded to 3.0, we are taking down the discount upgrade page tomorrow (there was an email sent about this). So go to and get your upgrade so you don't have to ever pay full price for it!

Thanks gentlemen... 3.5 coming very soon :)
yea, I am in the same boat. I dont use the player, but I am pretty sure I didnt get all of the gogs and waves with my version 3.0.
also the upgrade to plat is more than just buying the version itself. I got the LE version (3.0) for $149, the plat version (3.0) is $329 so wouldnt the difference be $180, but the upgrade price is $199. This is a shame considering all I need is the extra samples (as I have the player with LE), I thought there would be a discount, but it is an extra $19 to upgrade. Looks like no upgrade for me.

Well, this is pretty standard practice with every software I can think of. Buy the "light" version and then upgrade to the full version later, and you pay a little more. Or, to not put so negatively: Poeple who decide to go the "big" thing right away get a little discount. And that is pretty standard practice anywhere, not just with software. So I honestly don't know what you're complaining about.
There are no "3.0 wav samples" - the discs that come with the 3.0 box (which is actually a 2.0 box with a giant sticker on the back) that have the wav and gog files on them are SSD2.0s. Unless I got fucked over?

BOX? I didn't get a box, just the DVDs in an envelope, but they say version 3.0 on should contact Steven I guess.

most of the samples (snare) sound completely different in 3 and 2 (although they've got the same number and labeling I actually dig most of the 2.0 samples more than 3.0), the former 15 is now in the 22 folder or something like that, so it should be easy to find out whether you've got 3.0 or 2.0.
I'll post a screenshot of for example sn 15 or 5 so later (will specify) so you'll probably be able to see visually whether you've got the 3.0 or 2.0 samples
hang on.

EDIT...Don't need to upload the screenshots I think...just check if you've got a Z5 Folder in there. if so it's 3.0
There are no "3.0 wav samples" - the discs that come with the 3.0 box (which is actually a 2.0 box with a giant sticker on the back) that have the wav and gog files on them are SSD2.0s. Unless I got fucked over?

I bought 3.0 and the wav samples I got do not have any talking in them, I don't recall what it says on the DVD label.

And +1 to Lasse, check for a Z5 folder.
well then it is not an upgrade discount. What other software does this, I was not aware of it?

Yes it is. It's $199 instead of $329, you are saving $130 because you already have LE. They don't have to offer an upgrade path at all. If I buy a Ford Focus they don't let me pay the difference to upgrade to an F350, I have to pay the full price because it's a new product.

If it was cheaper to buy LE and then upgrade to Platinum, why would anyone buy Platinum to begin with?

$19 is a great price to be able to sample the LE stuff first.