snare drum testing (just drums inside)


Nov 20, 2009
Hey guys i'm doing a mix for a band and can't really decide which snares I like and which sounds better. All of them sound good in the mix its just a matter of which one to use. Any feedback would be awesome thanks! also i tracked these drums on an electronic kit running via midi with live cymbals.

EDIT* heres the snare tests with guitars. (guitars are reamped but its rough because it was the reamp test right before a couple preamp tubes went bad, i didnt get a good mic placement, and the tubes are not arriving for a week so I thought id post it anyways.)

SD snare only with guitars trys/SD snare with guitars.mp3

SSD 4 (5 snares blended) trys/Slate snares with guitars.mp3

both snares blended trys/both snares blended guitars.mp3

snares without guitars

SD snare only with heavy processing. trys/SD snare.mp3

SSD 4 (5 snares blended) trys/slate snares.mp3

SD and SSD 4 snares blended trys/sd and slate mixed.mp3
all the snares sound good to me, but it wouldn't be fair to judge without the other instruments, so I can say which one fits better in the song
ill post with full mix tomorrow once i do the reamps

@R.Kelsey the bass drum is a mix of kick 10, black kick, circa kick (got that off this forum a while ago), and the free seraph kick.
I'd just go with the SD snare. It easily sounds the most natural. Which one is it?
I'd just go with the SD snare. It easily sounds the most natural. Which one is it?

This, would probably sound great in a mix if you cut low mids slightly. The others sound ok too, but I prefer some more ringing in snares.
thanks @bryan_kilco and @Ascendant. I was planning on doing the reamps today and posting the clips with the full mix but figures one of my tubes went bad right when I got my perfect mic position so i ordered them and ill post full mix with the 3 versions of the snare when i replace these tubes!
I actually like the last clip better, but I would lower the overall volume of the SSD snares blend relative to just the one from SD. I would use the blend from SSD just to complement it more.

I also think that maybe you have a little too much bottom mic in there, but I guess that's personal preference.
Heres the snare tests with guitars. (guitars are reamped but its rough because it was the reamp test right before a couple preamp tubes went bad, i didnt get a good mic placement, and the tubes are not arriving for a week so I thought id post it anyways.)

my personal favorite in the context of the mix is the SD snare only. But let me know your thoughts!

SD snare only with guitars trys/SD snare with guitars.mp3

SSD 4 (5 snares blended) trys/Slate snares with guitars.mp3

both snares blended trys/both snares blended guitars.mp3
I liked the second clip better, I think it would sound even better if you give that snare more decay
The first one would sound the best with a bit more body at 200hz and if it were to be brought up in the mix. The second one sounds like some gated reverb, and isn't really fitting for this genre.
Def DONT like the second one.... Either one or three. Like I said before, I think one is still the most natural sounding...
I prefer three, though i'm not too fond of those types of snares in general. I've heard way too many of those types of snares and i seem to have grown tired of them. I also like snares that have more of a roomy sound to them, instead of super clean with no sustain. But still, definitely not bad, and a pretty good mix. Killer bass drum too! I also would like to know what bass drum sample that is.
i posted it up a few posts but the bass drum is a mix of kick 10, black kick, circa kick (got that off this forum a while ago), and the free seraph kick

also i decided that i would go with the superior snare. i also made like three different better versions of the superior snares and will probably will use one of them.