Snare help


Nov 27, 2005
I need serious help with my snare sound. In the mixing sense I mean. It sounds... well bad! It doesn't pop. It doesn't sit well in the mix. It sounds like a snare on a very crappy demo. And that's not all: I tried not sampling it, which led to the problem I'm referring ^there^. Then I tried sampling it and all i got was a goddamn machine gun. And it STILL didn't sit well in the mix.

I want it to pop and dominate. Need help now :cry:
I need to ask the guy who tracked the songs. I merely asked politely for the raw tracks for practise.. I'll get back to it.

How do you normally process your snare? Any tips/tricks of the trade?
I need to ask the guy who tracked the songs. I merely asked politely for the raw tracks for practise.. I'll get back to it.

How do you normally process your snare? Any tips/tricks of the trade?

Compression: high ratio, reasonable threshold etc. make sure you have set the attack and the release appropirately,
EQ: suck the mids, boost the high and low end
i usually boost it around 450hz, 3500/4000hz and 7500hz