snare mic'ing techniques, looking for 2 on top or 3 (2 top, 1 bottom)

Just check phase coherence and experiment...

fuckin' tape your neumanns to a 57 and make sure the capsules are both the same distance from the head, and you're good to go!
+1 on mixing in a SDC on top.

FWIW, I love to blend in an SDC on the bottom. doesn't have to be anything majorly expensive... just back it off from the head about 4-6 inches, and aim it at the skin, not the wires. EQ & comp to taste, then bring it into the mix to augment the top mic.
Not to derail the thread, but can you elaborate? Sound clips/samples/pics/wherethefuckdoigetadidgeridoofrom?

Sorry Morgan, I got nothin these days. I did this quite a bit in about 93 or 4(?) around the time piccolo snares were big for that (thankfully) brief period. Budd and The Mark of Cain style snares come to mind as Oz examples. John Stanier probably had something to do with it since he played in TMOC briefly. Everyone seemed to want more tock at that point in time, even from snares that had none top begin with. Micing the shell gets half way there depending on the drum.
I could have sworn there was a similar thread with everyone posting pictures like that... There were jokes cracked about how big of a headache it would be to mic up Terry Bozzio's drums- I can't remember what the thread was called or anything but I think this was brought up. Could be wrong.
Yeah I'll be trying the shell mic without a doubt. I hate the bottom snare mic. Always sounds nasty and peaky. Only time it seems to work is when everything is tuned really loose and the snare wires rattle for like a second or two (like the Slate snares, haha).
can anyone help me find some articles about micing a snare drum with two mic's on top and one on bottom

i can't find anything because google thinks im either searching for 2 mics (top and bottom), or micing a whole drum set with just 3 mics

Everyone's pretty much said this, but I love an AKG 451 and a SM57 on the top of snare.

Never been a huge fan of "shell" micing, though....

Also, if bleed isn't an issue, try a large dia condenser that's on the darker side. If you go to that snare micing thread there's one where I used a U87 lol.

Another option that hasn't been discussed (I don't think) is just to mult the signal. One thing I do more then double micing is run a mult of the snare top to an 1176 and to another EQ and really boost the top and bottom and blend it back really well sometimes!
Yeah I'll be trying the shell mic without a doubt. I hate the bottom snare mic. Always sounds nasty and peaky. Only time it seems to work is when everything is tuned really loose and the snare wires rattle for like a second or two (like the Slate snares, haha).

i hate the shit out of the way bottom mics sound, but snares sound dead to me without it. i always do whatever processing i need to do to it, listen to the snare with just the top mic, and pull up the fader for the bottom mic just enough to give it some snap.