Sneaking into movies.


Mar 13, 2002
Your FKN' face!
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So I went to the mall today to see Bruce Almighty and wound up sneaking into T3 and 28 DAYS LATER. I figured even though I saw them both already, I had nothing better to do. I'm still pleased w/ T3, but I liked 28 DAYS LATER a hell of a lot better than I originally did. I think it's b/c I KNEW what I was in store for. It may seem weird to you, but it makes sense to me. I get it now. The whole "quarrantine" thing and all....
But, anyhoo - just sneak into a movie or two while you're already in the theater and STICK IT to tha man. I plan to make my next sneak involve Pirates 'o the Disney Ride or LXG.....or both hell, may as well continue the greedy streak! :D
P.S. Bruce Almighty was DECENT. A little too much Ace Ventura for a guy whos focused on serious shit as of late........slowly slip back into that Jim. Slowly.
It's $20 million dollars to Jim Carrey and $30 million to Arnold Schwarzenegger that makes you have to pay more and more
WTF? cause I sneak a flick, you blame me for ticket prices? Listen to 'Muffin over here. he's got the real answer. and I guess ppl like me cause them to charge 8 bucks for a coke and popcorn. give me a fuckin' break.
I'm sneaking one in tonight too. Tomorrow your ticket price will double........just warnin' ya.
Yeah, and don't forget candy from babies and medicine from little old ladies to support my drug habit.

Your last post was proof positive that you're just another load that your mother should've swallowed.

Fuck you, and your high and mighty opinion. PPL like YOU are the reason that there's no more fun left in the world.

And what ARE you the vigilante of? Mall of GA cinema?

What the fuck ever.
GregadetH said:
WTF? cause I sneak a flick, you blame me for ticket prices? Listen to 'Muffin over here. he's got the real answer. and I guess ppl like me cause them to charge 8 bucks for a coke and popcorn. give me a fuckin' break.
I'm sneaking one in tonight too. Tomorrow your ticket price will double........just warnin' ya.
First, I'd like to point out that no one *makes* you go to movies. If you don't agree with ticket prices, you can simply not go. Actors generally make a lot of money because people want to see them and are willing to pay to do so.

Concessions at movie theatres cost a lot to subsidize the ticket sales.
It actually costs a lot to show a film. Selling such stuff (concessions) and not letting people bring it in themselves helps them sell more tickets because the ticket price can be lower. Plus if people are indifferent between what they pay for popcorn and the movie (that is, they don't care how much they spend on either as long as it equals a certain amount in the end, say $8 for movie and $5 for popcorn or $9 for movie and $4 for popcorn), then it would make sense for a theatre to charge more for concessions if they have to split a percentage of ticket revenue with movie makers. (I am not sure if this is how it's done, but it would make sense.) In the end it's not like movie theatres make higher profits than any other type of business. If they did, more firms would move into it and it would lose its profitibility. I've seen many theatres close despite their high concessions prices.

As for whether or not you make ticket prices go up, I have no idea. It's a little different with a public good like seeing a movie (where an additional person can enjoy the benefits without depriving others of their enjoyment) as opposed to stealing merchandise (which cannot be shared like the viewing of a movie) from a store.

Is it stealing? Yes. You took something without the permission of the owner. If you had balls, you'd just steal popcorn, soda, and candy and pay for the movie. PUSSY!

Damnit, I want to go to the movies now.
It's a crime the same way recording something is a crime or not wearing your own seatbelt or drinking at age 20: big f'n deal. When I pay $10 for a ticket and $10 more for cappucino and popcorn, if I decide to walk over to another movie, I do not see who is harmed. Would I encourage my students or my own kids to do it? No, in fact I don't think I ever have, but I see no reason to bust any bodys balls on it.
Reminder Justin: all of those bootlegs you have are "illegal."
if everyone was just sneaking a movie or stealing from the corner shop the world would be a much better place!

there was a big fuss over tickets of movie prices in australia a few years back over the price of food and so on,the point which the movie people made was that they dont stop u from bringing your own snacks,which in turn is a good idea but u would probably be an outcast for life,kids have got a reputation to keep lol.
Well, not only do I sneak in a flick - but I take my own snack too. So I guess I'm regal cinemas most wanted.....

Justin, TD has a hella good point 'bout your bootlegs......

now go ahead and treat me like a career criminal, cuz I don't give a fuuuuuuuuck. While your sittin in front of your pc there vigilante, i'll be out breaking the laws of man and sneaking a movie.
It's not morally right, but neither is charging the prices that they do. for the price you pay, you should be able to stay all fucking day long and refill your soda and nachos at will. point. it doesn't hurt anybody. any way. any how. i'm not even upset about your fucking post. i just can't sleep so I may as well reply to your fatheaded bullshit.


GregadetH said:
Well, not only do I sneak in a flick - but I take my own snack too. So I guess I'm regal cinemas most wanted.....

Justin, TD has a hella good point 'bout your bootlegs......

now go ahead and treat me like a career criminal, cuz I don't give a fuuuuuuuuck. While your sittin in front of your pc there vigilante, i'll be out breaking the laws of man and sneaking a movie.
It's not morally right, but neither is charging the prices that they do. for the price you pay, you should be able to stay all fucking day long and refill your soda and nachos at will. point. it doesn't hurt anybody. any way. any how. i'm not even upset about your fucking post. i just can't sleep so I may as well reply to your fatheaded bullshit.



I don't see your point about concessions. It's not like they *OWE* you concessions. If you don't like their price, don't pay it! It's that simple! There is absolutely NOTHING moral or immoral about a price, since it's up to you to pay it.

Of course, the cinema is not dumb. They realize people are going to take their own crap in anyway, and the people making $6/hr aren't going to do much to stop them. But they'll deter some people and make some money out of it.

You're right that sneaking into a film does not harm anyone, but it is insulting to the poeple who are paying for the movie to watch the movie without paying. Right or wrong? I deal with people like this all the time. And I always bust them because I can, because I am a hateful asshole who spoils people's fun. :yell:

As for my bootlegs, I've yet to see the band come down on bootlegs.

And of course, you know I am against seatbelt laws and drinking age laws.
Its a crime fuck it. Steal the candy ( I do) , sneak into the movie let your friends in the back, Rob the fuckin box office, then fuck one of the candy girls on her break behind the screen. THE MOVIE INDUSTRY IS FUCKIN US> FUCK EM BACK
Hell, when I worked at a Lowes Cinema, I used to let everyone and their uncle in for free. Especially during the day. Why? Because getting paid $5.75/hr while the projectionists got upwards of $20/hr pissed me off. Their damn union cried until they got this unbelievable pay raise. And they did next to nothing for work!!
Know what else pisses me off, too? Those damn commercials. I'm paying $9 to see a movie, $7 for snacks, and I have to still sit through those damn advertising slides before the movie and those damn commercials during the movie.
It's to the point where I'm seeing less and less on the big screen. I'm waiting 'til it comes out on DVD and watching it on my friend's 52 incher.
Remington, I used to be a assistant manager/ head projectionist at a UA/ Regal. In my area we had no union so I only made 8 an hour. But I would do the samething. Let everyone in that I knew. Fuck em. the never gave a good raise to good employes but the always want more work out of you. If they want good people they should pay for it. Intead the would fire you first and cheaply replace you with imigrant workers who bust ass to barely make over minimum wage.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I knew that this was gonna become a controversial thread!

The last time I snuck into a movie was when I was gonna see the double feature of Spider-Man/Men In Black 2.
The theater only showed Spider-Man because it was a late showing, and the theater was gonna close, or some bullshit like that.
So, after Spider-Man, my friend and I snuck into Blue Crush (with that hot chick). The way I see it, the movie theater owed me another film, since they didn't show Men In Black 2......
GregadetH said:
Yeah, and don't forget candy from babies and medicine from little old ladies to support my drug habit.

Your last post was proof positive that you're just another load that your mother should've swallowed.

Fuck you, and your high and mighty opinion. PPL like YOU are the reason that there's no more fun left in the world.

And what ARE you the vigilante of? Mall of GA cinema?

What the fuck ever.
Man what a great argument you put up.
Would you like it if someone stole from your house or business? Say you owned a hardware store, someone could justify stealing a drill from your store by saying "he's insured" or "he's got lots of money" would you feel the same way then? Is it compartmentalized in your head, its okay to steal from business "A" but not from business "B"? Where do you draw the line? Do you steal from your friends? Parents?
Yes cincy, I steal from everyone. You caught me. I've even stolen from you. I stole your precious time by having you post here. I'm a smooth criminal like that.

I like everyones opinion here. Justin, prime (especially the rob 'em and fuck 'em post....funny shit),thraxdude. I just don't think you need to be all hoidy toidy about it. I could be a murderous crackhead or a baby killer, you know - the ppl you NEED to be worried about. But I sneak a flick once in a blue moon and you're going all " I am the law "on me.
and guess what, I'm a hypocrite...I've put lots 'o ppl away as a store manager for INGLES supermarkets - why? Cause it's fun. I could rob my current job blind, b/c I know all the weak spots and where the cameras are located and which ones actually work, I have keys to the building, and the alarm code.......but do I steal? NO. Point is, it's a fucking american past time to sneak flicks. it's a pastime to get head during a movie. it's a pastime to sneak your own shit in. get over it. worry about the real lawless fuckers out there and don't continue to give your 2 fucking cents on this thread.......goddamn. I remember as a kid, a movie was $3.50. That's all a movie is worth. and no - there is no justification for the goddamn ticket prices now. So don't even try.

fuck me runnin' this was just a thread to give a different opinion on 28 days later and now i'm having to defend my actions to faceless fucks on the net. sometimes it just doesn't pay to want to interact w/ you fucking ppl.....and by ''you fucking ppl" I mean the CinemaVigilante over here.....You talked shit to me last year about somethin' too....I got a good mind to ask mark for an Ignore a member option so I don't have to hear your shit.

Or I could just be the bigger man here and say your opinion is respected but not agreed upon. that's where i'll leave it.

damn, i got better shit to do.....