Sneaking into movies.

......but i'm here.....partly cause my head fuckin' hurts too much to go out and b/c you ppl are cool to talk to. Not many Thrax fans near me...and what good is talking to other metalheads if they think your fave band sucks?

I'm glad to post here....even to cincy.

my apologies for some of my less than subtle remarks to you my good man.

let's agree to disagree.


Its all good, my friends and I argue like this about stupid shit all the time, does that mean we are not friends? No. Does that mean we have less in common than in common? no it just means sometimes we like to argue like little bitches sometimes. Its all cool, I honestly have no beef towards anybody here. Do we bicker sometimes sure but its still the second place I come to every day when I get home from a long day of work and turn on the puter.
I second your movement, we agree to disagree
And if Lake Lanier is anyplace near Atlanta I'll buy ya a beer next year when I come down for music mid-town. If your in the area.
Cincy Vigilante said:
Have you ever went to Music mid-Town? Its quite fun lots of hotties. And pretty cheap for a 3 day pass. Ya really can't go wrong.

You are right about that. The last time I went was the year before last.
Awesome bands there.....and I got to see RUN DMC. That was like a " visit my childhood " moment. Anyone who likes MUSIC in general should check out Music Midtown.
Metal Maiden said:


I noticed that your message matches my name............
I am looking forward to experimenting with you, of these a hotel room....with cameras......