Sneap Forum Members living in the Seattle/surrounding areas

I live in Seattle and it rocks. I think you'll dig it man. Northwest Deathfest :kickass:

If ya got any questions feel free to ask. Most people will tell you that its a great city though. Don't fear the rain. People exagerate it. It rains frequently, but not all the time or a lot. We rarely have truly rainy days.

Born and raised in Seattle, I love it. I've been all over the country, and around the world a bit as well, and I have never been anywhere that made me think to myself "I wish I lived here instead". It's a beautiful area, and the weather is pretty mild most of the year (which I think is great). The overall atmosphere of the area is just really nice I think. Clean air, some of the best tap water in the country, mountain ranges fill the horizon on the east and west sides... I could probably go on and on.
I live in Seattle and it rocks. I think you'll dig it man. Northwest Deathfest :kickass:

If ya got any questions feel free to ask. Most people will tell you that its a great city though. Don't fear the rain. People exagerate it. It rains frequently, but not all the time or a lot. We rarely have truly rainy days.


My drummer is moving up there and I've always wanted to live there, not sure why... but yeah... I don't have many questions other than how is the job market up there?

I mostly created this thread to meet and get acquainted with members that are living in that area, just so that I don't feel like I'm alone in a new city... you know? Would be nice to be able to get a drink with some people who aren't total strangers...

I could probably go on and on.

Please do, haha...
I live in Everett. It's a bit more of a plain city. It's bicycle friendly. You can get almost anywhere you want in 20 minutes or less, lol.