Snowy Shaw joins Dimmu and quits the next rejoin Therion?

I know not a soul here will agree since bands of the genre are now cool in the PP scene, but you will be having these discussions about many pagan / viking metal bands within 10 years or less.
I wouldn't disagree at all., in fact I think some of them are silly right now, especially the pirate metal offshoot of the genre. I enjoy Alestorm, they're a fun band with quality music...but half the kids that show up to their gigs dressed like pirates probably wouldn't even admit to having ever been a fan in 5 years. Same goes for Swashbuckle, minus the "fun band with quality music part".

As far as pagan/folk metal, I don't think it's their outfits/gimmicks alone that will cause the backlash, it's the popularity bubble that's inevitably going to burst. Once people realize the genre is over-saturated, there will be a whole batch of jokes about guys in kilts, war paint, whatever it may be.
I know not a soul here will agree since bands of the genre are now cool in the PP scene, but you will be having these discussions about many pagan / viking metal bands within 10 years or less.

There's only one true pagan/viking metal band; BATHORY. The rest are gonna end up being Quorthon's bitches when they reach the gates of Valhalla!!!
Ulver? I don't get it. Sure they did some of the folk, but...

Anyhow, yeah plenty of genuine viking metal bands. Hell I don't hold it against anybody who heard the music, liked it, and started a band to play it. That's the way shit happens. It's not like there's a goldmine waiting for them by doing so.

All I saw there was that he's also doing the Therion thing. In what was posted I didn't see it indicating that he's leaving Dimmu. But maybe he is (or its in the full Therion press release)?
Ulver? I don't get it. Sure they did some of the folk, but...

Anyhow, yeah plenty of genuine viking metal bands. Hell I don't hold it against anybody who heard the music, liked it, and started a band to play it. That's the way shit happens. It's not like there's a goldmine waiting for them by doing so.

All I saw there was that he's also doing the Therion thing. In what was posted I didn't see it indicating that he's leaving Dimmu. But maybe he is (or its in the full Therion press release)?

Well, obviously Ulver isn't the same today, but I think in their roots they could definitely be considered such.
Well, obviously Ulver isn't the same today, but I think in their roots they could definitely be considered such.

I don't think so. They were black metal, then put out a folk metal album (that was still fairly blackish, and I don't think it was about viking culture), then... undescribable.
I'd disagree... slightly. I know many hardcore Black Metal fans feel Dimmu lost it after Stormblast. However, I rather enjoyed both Spiritual Black Dimensions and and Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia. Even Death Cult Armageddon was quality music. Granted, it wasn't Black Metal, but it was at least an intruiging blend of Blackened (not in a Cajun sense) Power Metal.

Exactly, the song is awful. The evil kid vocals are just silly. Add in the band instability, a new image that suggests they want nothing to do with 90% of their fan base and an album title that is just laughable, and you have the makings of a disaster of epic proportions.

Well, since we seem to have the same opinion about Dimmu, I don't have high hopes for this tune. I'm looking forward (bad choice of words?) to checking it out when I get home.
Exactly, the song is awful. The evil kid vocals are just silly. Add in the band instability, a new image that suggests they want nothing to do with 90% of their fan base and an album title that is just laughable, and you have the makings of a disaster of epic proportions.

On Youtube someone uploaded a slowed-down version of the song, and the evil kid vocals sounded just like Vortex. Nuclear Blast has already had the video taken down.
I wouldn't disagree at all., in fact I think some of them are silly right now, especially the pirate metal offshoot of the genre. I enjoy Alestorm, they're a fun band with quality music...but half the kids that show up to their gigs dressed like pirates probably wouldn't even admit to having ever been a fan in 5 years. Same goes for Swashbuckle, minus the "fun band with quality music part".

As far as pagan/folk metal, I don't think it's their outfits/gimmicks alone that will cause the backlash, it's the popularity bubble that's inevitably going to burst. Once people realize the genre is over-saturated, there will be a whole batch of jokes about guys in kilts, war paint, whatever it may be.

You know what's next - Vampire Metal. Or is it here already and I've missed it?

Welll... ummm... I didn't think the song was *that* bad. The weird female/small boy voice was different, but I don't think there was anything there that they haven't done before. Is it good or amazing? Well, it's not horrible (at least to these ears).