Snowy Shaw joins Dimmu and quits the next rejoin Therion?

Welll... ummm... I didn't think the song was *that* bad. The weird female/small boy voice was different, but I don't think there was anything there that they haven't done before.
I think therein lies the problem; it's paint-by-numbers Dimmu, with the only splash of creativity being the silliness of the child's voice.
I think therein lies the problem; it's paint-by-numbers Dimmu, with the only splash of creativity being the silliness of the child's voice.

Yeah see, I don't even think it's paint-by-numbers Dimmu. While I haven't really enjoyed their recent work at all, I don't hate it. This new track though is atrocious.
Yeah see, I don't even think it's paint-by-numbers Dimmu. While I haven't really enjoyed their recent work at all, I don't hate it. This new track though is atrocious.
I don't know. I hear most of the trademark Dimmu elements all strewn together. I think the only thing that stands out as being different, is that they've hit the next rung down on their downward spiral. But hey, we all carry different expectations with us and tend to hear different things when listen.
It seems when a band seemingly appears to record the same album over and over and keeps the same image over and over, people complain. When a band changes their sound even slightly or tries something new or changes their image, then people complain "Oh, how I wish they stayed like the old days".
It seems when a band seemingly appears to record the same album over and over and keeps the same image over and over, people complain. When a band changes their sound even slightly or tries something new or changes their image, then people complain "Oh, how I wish they stayed like the old days".
I think it seems like that, because different people want different things. Those who want a band to remain true to their sound, complain when a bands evolves. Those who want the sound evolve, complain when it stagnates. In the end, an artist is foolish for doing anything other than what they want.

Personally, I want good songs. How a band achieves that, through evolution or remaining deeply rooted in their sound, is their call. The problem I have with Dimmu, is not the change to their sound, it's the quality of the songwriting.
It seems when a band seemingly appears to record the same album over and over and keeps the same image over and over, people complain. When a band changes their sound even slightly or tries something new or changes their image, then people complain "Oh, how I wish they stayed like the old days".

Ah so it's not possible for a band to change their style and....wait for
Bands should be praised for doing something 'different' despite the quality associated with said change?

Plenty of bands change, for the better. The new Drudkh album is a great example. Dimmu Borgir, in my humble opinion, is not.
Ah so it's not possible for a band to change their style and....wait for
Bands should be praised for doing something 'different' despite the quality associated with said change?

Plenty of bands change, for the better. The new Drudkh album is a great example. Dimmu Borgir, in my humble opinion, is not.

Perfect example. Rob Halford going from Fight to Two. Definitely wasn't praised by many, and shouldn't have been, hahaha.
Drudkh >>>>> 99% of Black Metal

I don't get it - Drudkh is one of those bands that just doesn't appeal to me in any way.

Their atmospheric black reminds me of something Burzum did way better ten years earlier, their folk parts fall flat (Ukrainian folk music? Really?), their melodies aren't anything to write home about, their aggressive parts almost borders on the death metal side (where Behemoth as an example is ten times better), and overall I can think of a hundred black metalbands I'd rather listen to than this.

I don't get it - Drudkh is one of those bands that just doesn't appeal to me in any way.
We all have those bands that, for whatever reason, never click for us. It's part of what makes listening to music such a personal experience.

Their atmospheric black reminds me of something Burzum did way better ten years earlier, their folk parts fall flat (Ukrainian folk music? Really?), their melodies aren't anything to write home about, their aggressive parts almost borders on the death metal side (where Behemoth as an example is ten times better)...
I could offer counterpoints to your analysis, but where would the value be in that? You know what you like and what you don't.

...and overall I can think of a hundred black metalbands I'd rather listen to than this.
That's cool. There isn't a single Black Metal band I'd rather listen to. For my money, they are the best band the genre has ever produced... and no one even runs a close second. They just hit me where I live. There's probably no disc I've listened to more, in the last five years, than Autumn Aurora.
I'll have to check them out more. I saw something about the lead singer has 3 bands, and one is associated with the National Socialist movement?
I'll have to check them out more. I saw something about the lead singer has 3 bands...
Most of the guys in Drudkh are involved in multiple projects.

..and one is associated with the National Socialist movement?
I'm not aware of any such connection. And for what it's worth, the only public statement Drukh has ever made was to squash a growing internet rumor that they were connected to NSBM. Given that they don't do interviews, publish lyrics, play live, publish band photos or even have a web site, it wouldn't have been at all out of character to ignore the rumor. To the contrary, they broke their silence to state that they were not affiliated with NSMB. If it was important enough to them to break their silence on this one issue, it would seem odd if their other projects had a connection to NSBM.