Snowy Shaw joins Dimmu and quits the next rejoin Therion?

The new Drudkh record is by far their best. I thought they were good, but not great, up until this album. Lots of post-rock, shoegaze, and screamo influence.
Thanks for mentioning them, Zod. I've never actually heard of them before and after listening to their Myspace, they're pretty damn good. What's your suggestion on where to start?
Glad you like it. Autumn Aurora is the best place to start. If you dig that, grab Blood in our Wells. And if you enjoy that, check out the new one. It's not so much that BioW is superior to the new disc, it just allows you to follow their evolution to where they stand today.
Just end the friggin' band! This is getting ridiculous.
Deciding to just use session bass/drums/keys is probably the least ridiculous thing they've done lately. I don't disagree that there's a lot of silliness going on with the band, but this part seems like a pretty big non-issue to me. Had Blabbermouth not made it a headline, no one would really care.
I would just love to know what leads a musician (Shaw) to quit a band to join another band, and then reverse that decision 24 hours later. It may not even be Dimmu related. It could be something going on with him or Therion.
Yes, Hate Forest was a NSBM band. However, Blood of Kingu and Drudkh aren't. The member might have an affiliation, but Drudkh's music doesn't lean in any NS direction.

All three are worth listening to.

Yes, Hate Forest was a NSBM band. However, Blood of Kingu and Drudkh aren't. The member might have an affiliation, but Drudkh's music doesn't lean in any NS direction.

I'm not sure Hate Forest is NSBM. I know the Wiki entry for the band states that they are, but I'm not sure how well vetted Wiki's more obscure entries are. I just poked through about two dozen reviews of Hate Forest's music, and only one reviewer referenced NSBM. And he referenced it to suggest that it was an unfair, unsubstantiated rumor. Ultimately, if the only public statement the Drudkh guys have ever made (the same two guys who make up Hate Forest) was to refute the rumors that they are affiliated with the NSBM scene, it would seem odd that they're affiliated with it through Hate Forest.

I'm not sure Hate Forest is NSBM. I know the Wiki entry for the band states that they are, but I'm not sure how well vetted Wiki's more obscure entries are. I just poked through about two dozen reviews of Hate Forest's music, and only one reviewer referenced NSBM. And he referenced it to suggest that it was an unfair, unsubstantiated rumor. Ultimately, if the only public statement the Drudkh guys have ever made (the same two guys who make up Hate Forest) was to refute the rumors that they are affiliated with the NSBM scene, it would seem odd that they're affiliated with it through Hate Forest.

The term 'NSBM' is thrown around loosely these days. Any band with any Aryan affiliation is lumped in. According to M-A, some of Hate Forest's lyrics are about Aryan mythology. That's the likely source of the NSBM claims.
The term 'NSBM' is thrown around loosely these days. Any band with any Aryan affiliation is lumped in.
Agreed. Given the negative connotation the term carries with it, you would think people would be careful throwing it around.

According to M-A, some of Hate Forest's lyrics are about Aryan mythology. That's the likely source of the NSBM claims.
That could be. But with nothing but guttural screams in Ukranian, it's tough to know. For all I know, they're a Christian band. :loco:
Deciding to just use session bass/drums/keys is probably the least ridiculous thing they've done lately. I don't disagree that there's a lot of silliness going on with the band, but this part seems like a pretty big non-issue to me.

100% agreed. Dimmu Borgir has always been Silenoz and Shagrath. I can see caring about the names of the hired guns if you're an 11-year-old girl pinning posters on your wall, but why else does it matter? If they had to end the band every time they hired new guns, they would have ended the band before anyone here had even heard about them!

Beware the White Queen!


Yumm! Turkish Delight!!!

And the Dimmu soldiers!


Somewhere, Mortiis is crying right now.

"Despite their injuries from a vicious game of got-yer-nose, Dimmu's soldiers were able to fly to the hospital under their own power." :lol:

I'll be the first to admit that I still enjoy the orchestrations regardless of the dark cheese.

Absolutely....see below.

Eh yeah I'll admit to enjoying that song. That's the track the introduced me to Immortal back when I was just a metal n00b.

Heck, that could have been my fault at WREKage, too. :)

Hard though to deny the impact that ICS and Mustis had on the band.

See above regarding those orchestrations.
Outside of the weird kid voices I think the new track is actually a pretty fun listen. But then I'll openly admit to liking some shit that most people seem to find completely atrocious. Like Ayin Aleph.