Snuff Movies..

Hmmm at least I thought I was making sense.. but Im sorry when I dont see your point.. when you dont explain it
A lot of opinions here, I agree with almost all of you... but it's weird talking about this subject... I see this kind of videos and I find them funny cuz' most of them are made and fake... If you look at Faces Of Death's credits you'll see that it's written "In some cases we couldn't find video documentation, so some of this tapes are fake, :p" or something like that... so I laugh about the time people has to make this things... about the real ones... it's sad to see people doing that to themselves...
and just to say; The only way I have interest in death it's the patological way... I think it's amazing how you can tell how people died after 10 year of the decease...
A lot of opinions here, I agree with almost all of you... but it's weird talking about this subject... I see this kind of videos and I find them funny cuz' most of them are made and fake... If you look at Faces Of Death's credits you'll see that it's written "In some cases we couldn't find video documentation, so some of this tapes are fake, :p" or something like that... so I laugh about the time people has to make this things... about the real ones... it's sad to see people doing that to themselves...
and just to say; The only way I have interest in death it's the patological way... I think it's amazing how you can tell how people died after 10 year of the decease...
Yes, I agree, just ike fictionalized accounts of horrific murderers end up blockbuster books and movies, everyone is repulsed, shocked, and frightened beyond belief when a Jeffrey Dahmer surfaces. Fiction allows us to safely explore areas of humanity that are pretty fanciful, even when they're horrific. I enjoy that as much as anyone. It is, however, another story, when stuff like that rears its ugly head in real life. Then people are affected, etc...elementary healthy human behavior - the ability to differentiate between what's real and what's imagined, what's harmless and what's detestable and wrong.
i kinda just find it bullshit that people have to compete on who can have the most longest most intelligent post, trying to explain something that probly really cant beexplained all that great in the first place, i am kinda being hypocritical becasue i sometimes do have those lng drawn out posts trying to sound smart but thats only when stuff comes to my mind, i dont go looking for it., and i will be truthfull with you, when that happens in real life i do find some of it sick, most of the time, the poeple who get murdered had it coming, i really dont think anyone deserves to die, no matter how evil they are, for some it may be for the best but they dont deserve it,, anywho,
@dance_with_death: i really dont understand why are you still trying to talk with people that dont understand and will never understand your opinion about that...