So about making an online store...


Santa Hat Forever
So I just got this idea in my head about making an online store to sell metal albums, I mean I want to make it really small and see how it goes.

I'm thinking of contacting some local bands (some cool grindcore and heavy/thrash bands here in Coruña) to see if I could sell their albums, maybe include news and bios and such of local bands just to make it look more pro. Move some publicity, google ads whatever.

Anybody can give any ideas/tips? any experience? I want to build the site myself, want to make the original investment as close to zero as it could be (I've found some cheap website and webstore hosting in Spain), I know the very minimum on html and zero on css, but I'm sure there's some cool software that could help me out as I don't really feel I need to make a super-pro design. I hope to make it only in Spain for now, like to sell albums from Galicia to all Spain.

So my questions for all those kind enough to help me would be:
1- How should I go in negotiating with the bands? a fee for uploading? or instead take a small share of each album sold? I fear a fee for uploading would scare away many bands not willing to spend a dime on publicity.
2- Any tips on making the website, any good software (if it's not too expensive and really good I could manage to buy one, I don't know if there are any free options)
3- How to get some good publicity internet-wise and not.
4- Anyone here ever done/is doing something similar?
5- Anything else, please speak up