So did anyone ever hear a dry (without plugins, hardware, editing) mix from a pro?

i also forgot the mention it will be difficult trying to find a pro raw mix due to copyright stuff and the fact that that band will most probs not want a raw mix of theres going around the internet.

i think the best way to experiment is if we all start another thread were we can post some of our best mixes with all the sends, plugins, EQ's and stuff turned off. (including drum replacement tools)

this way we'll get a good idea of what were all doing.

Good idea!
wow, which band is this, mr balou mixes are usually really good!


5 ks!! cant believe i turned down playing for these guys
haha even know there was a keyboard being played.. (listened to the second one first)
this really does show just how much drum replacement tools save our asses lol

its a real shame that you cant undo all the fader movements and the volume adjustments you made. so the only differance you will here in the mixes are the eq,FX and maybe some limiting stuff.

he's my input!



there quite a sound differance, but the levels are the same.. and there was loads of level sorting and normalizing to do on this track.

i'll put up a metal one soon lol