So does anyone want to collaborate?

Just recorded some halfassed/sloppy-as-f*ck improvs(First Gilbert-style then Wylde):

Gilbert / Wylde

Oh, the reason the amps sound "wierd" is because i made this sounds to be used with my poweramp and 4*12, and not direct recording(Pod XT).
But it still sounds decent enough for a quick "demoing". :P

Playing is :kickass:. Do you have anything over a backing track? I'd love to hear what melodic stuff you could throw together.

Great playing dude, especially the vibrato, but that single-coil tone, uggghhhhh :Puke::Puke::Puke: all I hear when you do crazy fast picking is this squelching-squealing overtone sound - but when the tone changes to the chorused one, it's not as bad. As I said though, good playing man! (and Necromancer, I may not be able to shred like that, but I try to make up for it with melodic tasteful phrasing, so I'd love to contribute as well!)

Definitely! I'm still trying to piece everything together, I'd really like to find someone who is great programming drums or even better, a recorded set. :OMG:

I want to come out swinging.
Playing is :kickass:. Do you have anything over a backing track? I'd love to hear what melodic stuff you could throw together.

I dont have any real good backingtracks, if you fix a link to one you want me to play something melodic to, il do it(Then il play with my own style, instead of "copying" others.). :P


Thank you(Embarrasing that I forgott to say that.). :blush:
Definitely! I'm still trying to piece everything together, I'd really like to find someone who is great programming drums or even better, a recorded set. :OMG:

I want to come out swinging.

I'm pretty proud of my drum programming abilities; check out this song (especially the 7/4 part :D) I just finished for my band (just Podxt guitars and programmed drums, I write the music, send it to the band members, and tell 'em "learn it!!" :heh: Though I am always open to suggestion from 'em, and the singer and bassist do their own things, so I'm no tyrant!)
Thanks man! :)

Actually, its not singlecoil, its EMG 81/85 in the absolute first made model of Nick Catanese's Idol Series(That both Nick and Wylde has played on! :kickass:). :p
But I agree that it sounds like singlecoil, but thats how Gilberts sound is, and the whole point was that it should sound Gilbert.
Yeah, the chorused sound is made more for phat kind of overtones, like Wylde.

Haha, well I've always bitterly despised Gilbert's tone, but I give you props for nailing it! (though with someone like him, I'd stick to emulating the playing, not the settings :D)
Haha, well I've always bitterly despised Gilbert's tone, but I give you props for nailing it! (though with someone like him, I'd stick to emulating the playing, not the settings :D)

Haha, although its not as bad as Yngwies, which is esentially the same, but with even more "eardrumbleedingness" to it. ^^
And thank you again!