so i am on my way home on the commuter rail...


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
and our train struck and killed someone thereby delaying my train for an hour and a half.


now i feel dumb because at ten of five i was given a short assignment to do and i jokingly said to my fellow employee. "if i miss the early train i am going to be pissed!"
Originally posted by VangelicSurgeon
did you have to stay on the train the whole time?

i think some people got off the train because we were very close to a commuter rail station but i stayed on. the train left back bay at 5:08 and I got into providence station at 7:51.

here's a link to a story about it i found today:

I had basically the same thing happen to me a month or two ago. I fucked around and missed my early train only to get stuck in the tunnel under the bay on a later train for an hour since someone committed suicide. My commute took over twice as long as it should that day.
When I lived in Philly, the train would stop near the 15th street station all the time, making me late for work by twenty minutes or more. About the third time, I found out that every time it happened, someone was jumping out in front of the train. "The 15th street station stop is the city's best suicide location!" my coworkers told me. "You didn't know?" I guess I missed the memo.