So I bought a V-Amp...


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
And I have to say I'm impressed by behringers $130 attempt. I'm running through my Mesa power section to simulate what I'll deal with in a live situation when we tour next year, and within 30 minutes I've pulled convincing and useful live tones. It's only for that use and it's doing a great job at it. I can understand people going ape shit for the axe etc but for me this fills the spot perfectly. I quite like the recto setting and the savage one is fun too.

Then again, I'm sure the Mesa power section is doing a great job in it's own right haha :)
Yeah, they are insane value for money and one of the Behringer products that actually doesn't suck.
My mate got the V-Amp 3 earlier this year, for $189, (normally they go for $299) and sounds great for what he paid for it.
I've still got the old V-Amp 2 which is always useful for when some of my mates come around to jam and they need a rig to play through, I through the V-Amp 2 through a hi fi system and for some moderately low level jamming, sounds great.
why is so much price difference between the V-amp3 (89eu) and the v-amp pro(189eu)? just the extra features? or the effects and quality are superior in the pro version?
if the effects and sound quality is in booth the same then the v-amp3 semms a preaty good deal, for that price...
I have Vamp2.Not bad when used as pre amp with impulses.What about Vamp3?Any experiences on this one?Are there any improvements regarding the sound qualty
why is so much price difference between the V-amp3 (89eu) and the v-amp pro(189eu)? just the extra features? or the effects and quality are superior in the pro version?
if the effects and sound quality is in booth the same then the v-amp3 semms a preaty good deal, for that price...

pro is in rack casing and has a lot of different ins and outs compared to the normal version:

I've had a V-Amp2 sitting here beside me for quite some time now - probably since about 2003 or so. I have not used it in quite some time, but I used to get some great results with it. It's definitely a tweakers friend - you really need to get pretty intimate with it to understand all the little intricacies, but once you do, it can really come to life. I always got better results from it than my original POD bean.
I am suprised how many people think positive of this piece of equipment. For the price it´s alright but all I would use it for is playing over headphones and even then it doesn´t sound very good. If you manipulate it in your sequencer it can produce ok results though. maybe for a rough demo If you can play very tight haha.
^^^ I think you miss the point. For it's price, it's value is great. And if you spend time with it, you can get decent tones out of it. Not great, but usable and useful. And that's it :)
I've heard the V-Amp Pro be incredible. Danza's guitarist Josh used two V-Amp Pro units for an album he made a long time ago. It was only released locally, but I'll be god damned if that album doesn't get the most playtime on my iPod.

That said.. I just bought a V-Amp Pro for $40. Can NOT wait.