so i brought a new bass...

Jan 4, 2010
right well here is the thing, a few years ago i got an olp mm2 for about £215 i think. this recently started to get in pretty bad condition through playing shows, traveling with it and other such events and was pretty beat up, so it being christmas (well just after :zombie:) i thought i would treat myself to something not too up market but something to get the job done.

decided to get this, its a Squier Vintage Modified Jazz Bass, and i got it for £224 which i did not think was too bad.

im only going to be using for ocasional recordings and some shows/tours possibly, so its life isnt expected to be that long anyway.

so yea, just thought id quickly post about that :). picked up a nice hardcase for it too just to make sure i actually try and look after this one :p. should be here wednesday (if the snow doesnt cripple everything, AGAIN!! :u-huh: )

anyone used this before, what you think?

i goddamn love those vintage modified jazz basses. if i needed another 4-string i'd grab one of them in a heartbeat
i goddamn love those vintage modified jazz basses. if i needed another 4-string i'd grab one of them in a heartbeat

yea man a friend of mine has this exact one and i had a play on it and fell in like, not to mention the beauty of them haha.

seeing as i usually play in tunings like g, a and at most c i really need to pick up some thicker guage strings for it when it comes, but the standard ones will do for now, while the un-full time-employed funds recover hahaha!

was thinking of getting some nice thick elixiyrs, but ive never played on them so have no idea how they are, just read reviews. anyone had past experience with them?

Yeah I played one mannnnny times in my band when I was handling bass duties. Actually sounded and felt really good. We play in C# standard tuning, just had some thicker than what came stock strings and it was good to go after intonating for C#. That into a GK700 and an Ampeg 8x10 = thunderous. Was only like $225 new to boot.
You guys did look at the headstock, right? :goggly: Even so, it looks like a slightly more high-end Squier than the average >$200 POS's I've played over the years, so I'd imagine it's probably pretty good, congrats man!

+11111. I am looking for a bass and if there's anything cheaper than a regular american Jazz Bass, then i will be all over it. The Squiers i've tried are all shitty tho'
The Vintage Modified Squiers are quite good. Wouldn't mind having that exact model.

If you have roughly another 100 GBP or Euro on hand, than the Classic Vibe basses (very much like the guitars of that line) give the MIMs (which are still very good) a run for their money.

Squier is seriously back on track, getting back some of the well-deserved cred they used to have before Fender mismanagement drove the brand into lowest quality territory.

Even the Standard line has gotten better. The Vintage Modified and Classic Vibe instruments are a whole different dimension compared to the Affinity series.
How 'bout a Mexican Jazz Bass? ;)

Mexican and brazilian Fender basses are quite good - not American good, but quite good. The brazilian are a bit better but are HARD to find even here, since Fender only produced 'em for about 2 years. Electronics suck tho'

So, those vintage modified are actually good? I found them a little more expensive than the standard and about half the price of a good american model here.
I recorded a band that used that exact bass. Bloody brilliant. Honestly can't believe how good they are for the price. The pickups are actually quite decent considering they're only DD.

Sounds better than my ex bassists Mexican Jazz. And it's cheaper. Win.
haha nice, judging by all the above comments this was a wise purchase.
i understand it isnt quite an american fender, but whatever it gets the job done.
think im going to get a tech 21 sans amp in the coming months too, just to get a really perfect tone.

right so here's the thing.
england being england and totally retarded when it comes to weather, it cannot be delivered today which im pretty gutted about.
but gak told me as soon as the roads are back to normal i will have it.
so either thursday or friday.
either way im still happy as i am really looking foward to playing this bass!
