So I did Peyote last night...


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
Eaten form...

Never again. Easily the scariest psychodelic experience of my life. I was having so much trouble trying to convince myself the shit I was seeing (Not to go on forever, but at one point the posters in my room were coming to life... like I could hear what was happening in the moment some of them were "captured" and another involving flys on the wall, growing in size and the buzzing from them just increasing in volume until I felt like it was going to make me deaf) wasn't real... Like, I wouldn't listen to myself, if that makes any sense. Tried to listen to some music, which just made everything worse.

Granted, it was ok when I was outside (The world looked vibrant, grass especially.), but other wise, no...
One of the very few drugs I've done. With a guy who is Navajo. We were out in the woods. Easily the most bizarre and one of the more spiritual events I've ever been involved in. That said, his uncle (who is a medicine man) was with us, and I think he kept us pretty grounded, but I wouldn't do it again. You get seriously lost with that drug, and there are points when you don't think you can come back.
Eaten form...

Never again. Easily the scariest psychodelic experience of my life. I was having so much trouble trying to convince myself the shit I was seeing (Not to go on forever, but at one point the posters in my room were coming to life... like I could hear what was happening in the moment some of them were "captured" and another involving flys on the wall, growing in size and the buzzing from them just increasing in volume until I felt like it was going to make me deaf) wasn't real... Like, I wouldn't listen to myself, if that makes any sense. Tried to listen to some music, which just made everything worse.

Granted, it was ok when I was outside (The world looked vibrant, grass especially.), but other wise, no...

did you use it when you were sober?
it would have been a lot less scary if you had been mellowed out on good weed first
One of the very few drugs I've done. With a guy who is Navajo. We were out in the woods. Easily the most bizarre and one of the more spiritual events I've ever been involved in. That said, his uncle (who is a medicine man) was with us, and I think he kept us pretty grounded, but I wouldn't do it again. You get seriously lost with that drug, and there are points when you don't think you can come back.

I thought I was gonna be stuck like I was forever. That things would never return to the way that I had known them all to be before. Scared the shit outta me.

I too took it with an indian fellow, navajo also as far as I know. He called this shit "Mellow".
Hahaha yeah. I can outdrink him ANY day.

He does this all the time with his family, from what I understand. Been interested in it for a while, and he called me yesterday and said to come over after I was done work.

Had enough time to walk back home before it started taking hold.
I thought I was gonna be stuck like I was forever. That things would never return to the way that I had known them all to be before. Scared the shit outta me.

I too took it with an indian fellow, navajo also as far as I know. He called this shit "Mellow".

get stoned on really good weed first
and then the peyote will be way less scary and possibly fun
I thought I was gonna be stuck like I was forever. That things would never return to the way that I had known them all to be before. Scared the shit outta me.

I too took it with an indian fellow, navajo also as far as I know. He called this shit "Mellow".

I took one too many hits once, and thought I was in hell. Now I say no to druqs. :lol:
Sorry its a little off topic...
but I ate a 1/2 quarter of green/blue tinted shrooms and had similar experience like you just described. (never taken peyote)

These shrooms were deadly. I thought I was on another planet or
Sorry its a little off topic...
but I ate a 1/2 quarter of green/blue tinted shrooms and had similar experience like you just described. (never taken peyote)

These shrooms were deadly. I thought I was on another planet or

There's a scene in Stephen King's "The Gunslinger" where the main character takes mescaline, the active drug in peyote. Demon rape ensues.