So I did Peyote last night...

There's a scene in Stephen King's "The Gunslinger" where the main character takes mescaline, the active drug in peyote. Demon rape ensues.
Ever read about Devil's Weed? It's actually Datura and has an alarming amount of incidents resulting in males removing their penises to reach a higher state of femininity.
stay off this shit people, or you will dead in later some alleyway.....of trying these adventures, bewarned from me, ok!!

- inside you know me, deeply.
Now who can argue with that? Not only was it authentic frontier gibberish, but it expressed a courage that is little seen in this day and age!
I've heard everything from "You took too much" to "You took to little" and even "you're too white".

I'm just writing it off as a bad experience regardless... Granted this was my "scariest" experience with a psychotropic, it wasn't the "worst".

Waking up in central park NYC (considering I lived in philly), with no recollection of my night previous, and no money to be found on me except about 50 cents (which was luckily enough to make a phone call to someone to get my ass home) was not a pleasant experience.
Now who can argue with that? Not only was it authentic frontier gibberish, but it expressed a courage that is little seen in this day and age!

*sigh* I would continue the dialogue, but alas feel so bad for no' remembering the rest o' that particular scene. Baws.
There's a scene in Stephen King's "The Gunslinger" where the main character takes mescaline, the active drug in peyote. Demon rape ensues.

stephen king's dark tower series was spectacularly dazzling
Eaten form...

Never again. Easily the scariest psychodelic experience of my life. I was having so much trouble trying to convince myself the shit I was seeing (Not to go on forever, but at one point the posters in my room were coming to life... like I could hear what was happening in the moment some of them were "captured" and another involving flys on the wall, growing in size and the buzzing from them just increasing in volume until I felt like it was going to make me deaf) wasn't real... Like, I wouldn't listen to myself, if that makes any sense. Tried to listen to some music, which just made everything worse.

Granted, it was ok when I was outside (The world looked vibrant, grass especially.), but other wise, no...

Crazy, i had a chance to do it a lot in Wyoming, cause the natives use it a lot for spiritual stuff and its part of there practice/religion for there ceremony. Has been for tons of years.

I was told not to do it, so i didn't
Waking up in central park NYC (considering I lived in philly), with no recollection of my night previous, and no money to be found on me except about 50 cents (which was luckily enough to make a phone call to someone to get my ass home) was not a pleasant experience.
The smart money says your mind blocked out the memory of getting raped by one of the many sex crazed and retard strong hispanic inhabitants of central park.
I thought I was gonna be stuck like I was forever. That things would never return to the way that I had known them all to be before. Scared the shit outta me.

I too took it with an indian fellow, navajo also as far as I know. He called this shit "Mellow".

If the guy is Navajo he probably knows how to prepare it. Did you notice if there was any white shit in the middle of the button? This is the poison and if you don't get it all out you get pretty sick or maybe get the trip you're describing, never done peyote but always tried to locate it when I've been in Texas.
Hmm, not sure if there was any white shit in the middle... not certain if it did have white shit, that I got it all out with my puke. Granted I was on an empty stomach, so a large puke was not expected, but maybe that could be the cause of such a bad trip.

My old mans been talking about it constantly since I came back to reality... keeps saying I was going on non-sensical ramblings about how scared I was. Looking back on it, i'm finding it funny.

Thinking about it, I may try it again if I feel like I'm ready to try it again. Experiences like these, as scary as they could be, are quite an interesting look as to what is truly in your mind.
If the guy is Navajo he probably knows how to prepare it. Did you notice if there was any white shit in the middle of the button? This is the poison and if you don't get it all out you get pretty sick or maybe get the trip you're describing, never done peyote but always tried to locate it when I've been in Texas.

I haven't heard of it floating around here in Texas, but i know for a fact that its everywhere in Wyoming, its all on the reservation.
I haven't heard of it floating around here in Texas, but i know for a fact that its everywhere in Wyoming, its all on the reservation.

it's in texas
it's a plant, and it naturally grows here
and the guy reading over my shoulder is really convinced peyote actually came into wyoming from texas
I had a few good experiences with it back in the day, but you really have to be comfortable in your surroundings to enjoy it fully. The best memory I have is listening to Ozric Tentacles while tripping balls....I highly recommend the space rock of Ozric as a great companion when tripping.
I had a few good experiences with it back in the day, but you really have to be comfortable in your surroundings to enjoy it fully. The best memory I have is listening to Ozric Tentacles while tripping balls....I highly recommend the space rock of Ozric as a great companion when tripping.

play your favorite music while tripping
not just your favorite band but a song you've listened to before, hearing music that you've already heard before makes the tripping less scary