So I finally got Balls To Picasso


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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... and based on that one purchase I'm thinking it might not be such a bad idea to snap up a few of the other Brucey reissues. I've never heard Skunkworks and I only have a dubbed cassette of Tatooed Millionaire, but the live albums I can take or leave.

Accident Of Birth and Chemical Wedding I'm not so sure about. I've bought them once already and I listen to both a lot, but are the bonus tracks worth the money?

Make sure that you get the tribute to Sabbath where he sings Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, and some of the old Samson stuff as well.

There's some good "B side" stuff on the 'net also.

BD with Monseratte Caballe doing Bohemian Rhapsody
BD singing "Delilah"
BD singing "Americans are Behind" (I think he wrote it 'specially)
BD and Dreamtheatre covering "Smoke on the Water"
BD singing "Elected" with Mr. Bean
Americans Are Behind, and Italian Drummer are on Skunkworks along with a bunch of other cool shit.

Unless you want 4 version of Man Of Sorrors and some demo tracks, Accident Of Birth is not worth the price jsut to hear Ghost Of Cain. Same with Chemical Wedding and it's couple bonus tracks.
Shannow said:
BD and Dreamtheatre covering "Smoke on the Water"

Perfect Strangers, actually. Unless he did Smoke on the Water with em as well. Perfect Strangers was the most famous cover he did with Dream Theater though.
Blitzkrieg said:
I have said it before, but Ayreon's Into The Black Hole with Bruce on vocals is f'n awesome, for those who haven't heard it.

I have not. :dopey:
Spiff said:
Perfect Strangers, actually. Unless he did Smoke on the Water with em as well. Perfect Strangers was the most famous cover he did with Dream Theater though.

Quite correct (I think) the MP3 on my HD says dreamtheatre, but the only reference I can find says three singers, including BD...this link suggests Dreamtheater and BD, but I don't have "bitpedia" (is that a disease ?)

edit, still sounds pretty Brucey all the way through...dunno