So I found myself with a 10 dollar itunes gift card...

Hourglass seems to be a lot more piano ballad-type jobs than I can generally tolerate on an album, but when they get out of that territory it seems to be pretty good, based on tracks on youtube. Not really sure how this is classified as metal, tho.

I can understand how people can think this. The album has a lot of softer moments to it, but it has quite a bit of balls to the wall crunch too.
I was going to post some YouTube links to songs from the new Moonsorrow and Crimfall, but those aren't available on iTunes, so I'm not sure how much it'd help. D: I noticed that Primordial's in your charts - their new album came out recently.

(I'd post No Grave Deep Enough instead, but ehh, it's not on YouTube.)

I see Slough Feg in your charts, have you checked out Hammers of Misfortune?

Also, I see Sleepytime Gorilla Museum/Stolen Babies/Diablo Swing Orchestra, so I'm gonna toss this out because they're called avant-garde quite a lot and I luuurve them.

I'm not sure if there's anything in particular you're looking for, but hopefully this helps a bit. Also, I'm glad you liked the Sons of Seasons! :D
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I'm sure I'm way off on the style of tunes you are looking for but......

.....wait unitl Tuesday for the new Poodles disc "Performocracy"!!!

I'm excited for this one.......