So I guess I won't be going to ProgPower 7...


nursing my wounds
Apr 15, 2002
The Ridge
In the "which bands would need to be there for you to attend" thread, I posted the following:

MadeInNewJersey said:
Just had this conversation with a friend...

I would need at least 3 of the following to attend:
Iced Earth
Gamma Ray
Freedom Call

To which Mr. Glenn wrote: "I'm comfortable saying I hope you'll make it to ProgPower 8" :lol:

Cheers to his sense of humor, but fuckit man, I'm not spending all that cash to go sit through a shitton of lame prog and several half-baked tier C power metal bands.
i've never really been a fan, i just like hammerfall and dragonforce for the epic cheesitude...zod commented on my eclectic tastes but that's the one major realm of modern metal that's really never done it for me.
There are plenty of bands in the power side that I enjoy, but it's clear they're no longer either viable options or desired options for ProgPower itself.

I'm not into dropping $1000+ for a weekend to watch people jerk off over bands like Pain of Salvation. And while the camraderie of the event does indeed rule, I can get a bunch of friends together near NYC and get wasted and save about $900.
MadeInNewJersey said:
Cheers to his sense of humor, but fuckit man, I'm not spending all that cash to go sit through a shitton of lame prog and several half-baked tier C power metal bands.
Actually, there's usually only one or two actual Prog bands at the fest each year. And with the exception of Iced Earth (who Glenn has previously stated wants too much money), I'd classify all the bands you listed, based on recent output, as Class C Power Metal bands. Pyramaze's (the opening band) debut totally pisses all over the more recent releases from Helloween, Gamma Ray, Overlorde, Freedom Call and Dragonforce.

Although they're taking place 50 miles from my place, the only Progpower I've been to was back in 2000 when Opeth sort of made their stage come-back. But man, almost all the other bands were such a pain in the ass. Spiral Architect... wtf, I couldn't bear more than 2 songs of all the going nowhere and the homo wails...
MadeInNewJersey said:
I guess the festival has just gone in a different direction from my tastes, basically. For ME, it's too pricey to justify maybe 1-2 hours worth of music I'm interested in.
That's cool. Honestly, at this point, the bands are a bonus. The wife and I have such a good time, I'd go even if I wasn't interested in the lineup (ProgPower III for example).

i'd rather go to a Mariah Carey concert than a festival like this. to prove i'm serious, i saw her in concert and sold the one and only power metal album i ever owned, all within the same year.

[/random dickpost]