So I Have a Question

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
A little while ago I was sitting in the dark listening to Agalloch ("it was the light's end" and all that), drinking a white Russian and mentally replaying some scenes from a very scary movie that I purposefully subjected myself to. On the table next to me was "Nightmares and Dreamscapes" which I was reading earlier in the day. I thought to myself, "I'm kinda dark. Why?"

So I ask you buttheads the same question. Why am I, and by association (same music, movies, books, interests), *you* interested in "dark" subjects?
One thing I can think of is that my mom was into occult shit while I was growing up. My brothers and I would find these books on witchcraft and serial killers hidden in her closet. One particular book about David Berkowitz, I think scarred me for life because it was the first time I'd ever seen a picture of a murder victim. But I don't think that's it. Prior to that, my parents let me watch "Halloween" and other non-bloody horror films as long as they were around. Our family was huge into the holiday Halloween too. But who in the midwest, where we have real Autumns, isn't? My mom also introduced me to Stephen King. But I wouldn't have been interested in the first place had something not already been in my basic make-up no?

Anyway, I'm a fairly normal dude. I dress comfortably, adult-like, and inoffensively. I provide for my family enough that we live in one of Nashville's top five hoods. I play sports. I'm an RN. What's with the interest in dark shit?
What's the alternative anyway? Listening to Mandy Moore while reading the latest Nicholas Sparks novel (if you know who that is, you are as gay as I am)? Sounds real boring.

Yeah, so any comments are welcome. I'm not saying there's something wrong with me or anyone else who is into horror or metal or whatever, I just thought it was funny that I was sitting there surrounded by darkness, both figurative and literal.
for me ... it was a lot of people dying in my immediate family throughout the years.
yeah, i think that has a lot to do with it.

although I like the cheerier side of music (even in metal) more so than the downer type.
dorian gray said:
Cheery metal?

hahaha ... yeah I consider Slayer as fun as Christina Aguilera compared to stuff like Agalloch or other bands with woody names
Agalloch>>>>>>Woody Name Bands>>>>>Slayer>>>>JessicaSimpsonschickenoftheseasmellingvagine>>>>>ChristinaArgentina

On second thought

Jessica Simpson>>>>>>>>>>>>The World

Pretty much what RiA said.

I'm not really into horror type films/books etc. much, but I am fascinated by the dark itself. I like to go on walks out in the countryside under the moon and there's just a certain appealing quality that darkness has. At night it's almost like being on another planet, everything is very alien and it allows your imagination to wander far beyond where you are and what you're doing at the time.

Part of it is probably hereditary, part experience and culture. I suppose I've always thought about things in a very abstract manner, more focused on philosophical meanderings than being tied down by "fact." The world's an amazing place and we're here to explore it, not wander it blindly. That mentality is probably carved into all of us and is why we dig a lot deeper in what interests us and why we end up observing and taking an interest in all of the strange things that scare most people off.
Reign in Acai said:
On second thought

Jessica Simpson>>>>>>>>>>>>The World

yes, goddam Jessica Simpson is hot. She's single now I guess. Perhaps I'd have a shot, if I wasn't already married :erk:
i look "normal" as well. live in an upscale hood. why is it that when i could name a song by korn, sepultura, and pantera that my department manager played for me, he was like "you dont look like you listen to that stuff"....meh

though is it normal to always picture yourself running amok in the workplace with a gun, methodically executing people? pffft, who cares...
Segments of my life
Morbid pieces of reality
Twisted personality
Many faces yet faceless
Familiar things give way to strange
No mercy no reason JUST PAIN!!!

I mean, umm, I have no fuckin' idea. Because it's cool? Lovecraft, Slayer, The Misfits, Evil Dead, this is all rad fucking shit. I like it because I like it.

Also while I would have sex with Jessica Simpson were it offered up for grabs, I do not particularly find her attractive. She appears to have ridden the little bus to school, if you catch my drift, and I'm not speaking of passing gas (for once).
dorian gray said:
while reading the latest Nicholas Sparks novel
I'm reading the latest Repairman Jack novel. rulez.

and since I've been working my way through the season of Over There, as Mrs B, as played by Nicki Aycox is working her way through her male platoon members, I can't help but lust after her even though she's a slut, is that dark enuff for ya