Do I have any legal recourse if I didn't get a deal in writing?

Nate The Great said:
What amp was it?

That's what really matters.

JCM TSL 60 watt head. It rules, and I should know since I paid for the fucking thing.
tr_ofdallas said:
you paid $1,400 for something you could have gotten for less than $500
u r gud at maff.
"Thy friendship oft has made my heart to ache:
Do be my enemy for friendship’s sake."

hahaha William Blake fucking rules.
NADatar said:

JCM TSL 60 watt head. It rules, and I should know since I paid for the fucking thing.
u r gud at maff.

That is a sweet amp. I can't believe you could have found a better deal on a new one. Anybody that says otherwise must know something I don't. I could be confused on that amp of course. If it's the 60 Watt TUBE amp I'm thinking of, $1,400 is a good price.
Crimson Velvet said:
damnit, nad, your friends really suck!

Oh yeah. Just walk walk into his house. Pick up the amp and walk back out. If he tries anything, maze him.

You mean like through a maze out of a little kids coloring book at him. That'd do it.
Nate The Great said:
That is a sweet amp. I can't believe you could have found a better deal on a new one. Anybody that says otherwise must know something I don't. I could be confused on that amp of course. If it's the 60 Watt TUBE amp I'm thinking of, $1,400 is a good price.

Yea your right, if someone can find new Marshall TSL Tube models for anything much cheaper than $1400 id love to see that too.
Nate The Great said:
You mean like through a maze out of a little kids coloring book at him. That'd do it.
:tickled: thats kinda how i pictured it too, nate!
NAD, be sure to post pics if you decide on this route
This dude has been an alcoholic for some time and is now being erratic and hostile toward me. I'm pretty much staying the fuck away from him and I'll worry about getting my shit back later, and having someone else go get it at that. He has my drumset and some mics, as well as the amp in question of course, which he is now refusing to give up.

No I'm not going to do the court thing, although that would be AWESOME if I could get on The People's Court or something. Ain't worth the headache, I'd rather just walk away and cut my losses. I make enough cash now where the money thing doesn't matter, just the principle.

Lesson learned: don't buy shit for your band. Ugh.
Dude, what the hell? Not just the amp now, but your drums and shit too.

Quit being such a fucking pacifist hippie and take that fucker to small claims court.
The drums I can get back no problem, I honestly just don't want to deal with the fucker anymore. I'm just going to send a friend over to do that for me, someone already offered to be repo man for that.

Not taking him to small claims court has nothing to do with pacifism, it's just not worth the hassle. Although that's my feeling right now, in a few weeks maybe I'll just do it anyhow. :loco:

@Reign, I'd buy you lots of beer, more depending on just how Seinfeld this could get. :) and LOLZ at that picture.