do albums get any more boring and bland that The World Needs a Hero?

What the hell is everyone's problem with Youthanisa?

Reckoning Day, Addicted to Chaos, Family Tree (probably Friedman's greatest solo ever), I thought I knew it all,, these tracks rule!

Did anyone ever see Megadeth play Reckoning Day live (with Ellefson on the big drum intro)? So fucking heavy. Great, great song - one of their best IMO.
Reckoning Day and Train of Consequences are about the only two tracks I really enjoy from Youthanasia. It's not a terrible CD, but only average at best. Oh wait, and the title track kicks ass, one of my favorite 'deth songs.

I never saw Megadeth live. :waah:
I love the way Addicted to Chaos fades in from nowhere with that pummeling mid-paced rhythm/riff. Reminds me a little of Eye of the Beholder.

I do agree that there are a couple of lulls in that album, but then almost every preceding 'Deth album was a tough act to follow.

Mustaine and Friedman played really well together on Youthanasia. The duelling guitar solos on Killing Road and Victory are excellent. Victory in particular - those two guys just rip across their fretboards leaving trails of fire and ice!!

OK we've never done this so I shall begin. In order of preference:

1 - Rust in Peace
2 - So Far So Good So What
3 - Peace Sells...But Who's Buying
4 - Countdown to Extinction
5 - Cryptic Writings
6 - Youthanasia
7 - Killing is my Business...and Business is good
8 - Hidden Treasures
9 - Risk
EDIT: 10 - The new album is guaranteed not to be worse than TWNAH or your money back
11 - The World Needs a Hogie
1 - Youthanasia
2 - Hidden Treasures
3 - Peace Sells...But Who's Buying
4 - Rust in Peace
5 - Countdown to Extinction
6 - So Far, So Good, So What
7 - Cryptic Writings
8 - Risk

Haven't heard Killing... or TWNAH

Youthanasia was always the easiest for me to listen to. Mustaine's vocals have always sucked the fattie, but the songs on Youth made it listenable. Never saw the big shit about RIP and the stuff before.
I thought we ranked these a long time ago in a Royal Carnage Trademark Threadjack? :Spin:

1. Rust in Peace
2. Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?
3. Countdown to Extinction
4. Cryptic Writings
5. Killing is My Business...and Business is Good!
6. Youthanasia
7. So Far...So Good...So What!

Hidden Treasures is really good but not worth ranking; Risk and TWNAH I've listened to less than 1 time each, and don't really want to disgrace this top 7 list with them (even though numbers 6 & 7 aren't very good).
J. said:
1 - Youthanasia
2 - Hidden Treasures
3 - Peace Sells...But Who's Buying
4 - Rust in Peace

...Never saw the big shit about RIP and the stuff before.
Peace Sells came out before RIP though. Seriously, do you currently own a copy of RiP? I wonder if you would still think it was lame today, now that your tastes have improved over the last few months.
JayKeeley said:
Peace Sells came out before RIP though. Seriously, do you currently own a copy of RiP? I wonder if you would still think it was lame today, now that your tastes have improved over the last few months.
Yeah I know. I'm not saying they're bad albums, but I can't see where the "classic" status comes in.
JayKeeley said:
How come? I don't see why not. :Smug:
Just because Hidden Treasures isn't a proper studio album, that's all. If you hogtied me I'd put it tied for 4th with Cryptic Writings. :loco:
Here's my ranking:
1. Rust in Peace
2. So Far, So Good, So What!
3. Countdown to Extinction
4. Peace Sells... but Who's Buying?
5. Hidden Treasures
6. Youthanasia
7. Killing is My Business... and Business is Good!
8. Cryptic Writings
9. The World Needs A Hero (wasn't it "Another" hero at one point?)
100000000. Risk
so world needs a hero blows?

i dont have cryptic writings, hidden treasures, risk, and wnah.

i want hidden treasures. dont remember much about CR and Risk, but this thread says, overall, they arent the shit most scream them to be. where does wnah fit in?
Another good bump, J.
Yeah, The World Needs a Hero is fucking ridiculously bad. It's funny to see the rest of the community commenting on it back in the day.
The follow-up, The System Has Failed, was equally as bad.
I saw the most recent album in Best Buy the other day but moved on. I think I got some Suffocation album, which sucked btw.

Cryptic Writings wasn't too bad. I listen to it from time to time. I don't have Risk and don't remember much about it. Obviously didn't make a big impression on me.
i'm surprised so many people here even bother with megadeth after countdown. shit, i even got rid of countdown. killing is my business, peace sells, and rust in peace should be enough for anyone.

taste is objective dammit!! :loco:
First 4 = some of the best metal you're ever going to hear. Period.
CtE and Youthanasia = lots of great songs
CW = their "black album", not bad, but popcorn metal all the way
Risk = bad, but not as bad as everyone makes out (I like Insomnia, Prince of Darkness, and the last 2 tracks, Time 1 & 2)
TWNAH = bad, but Dread & the Fugitive Mind is superb, and Return to Hangar is cool
System has Failed = their best since Youthanasia
United Abominations = their best since Countdown (top 10 material all the way)