do albums get any more boring and bland that The World Needs a Hero?

i'm surprised so many people here even bother with megadeth after countdown. shit, i even got rid of countdown. killing is my business, peace sells, and rust in peace should be enough for anyone.

taste is objective dammit!! :loco:

If I got into Megadeth 2 - 3 years ago, I'd probably stick to the first 4 only too. But since I've been into them since Peace Sells was originally released, I've spent an equal time with each subsequent release, and so I'm hanging in there.

They and Iron Maiden are my two favorite metal bands.

P.S. Hidden Treasures is mandatory, for Breakpoint and Go to Hell alone.

P.P.S. The compilation that came out before TWNAH features Dread & the Fugitive Mind and Kill the King -- two songs that everyone should check out. Top notch stuff.
i'm surprised so many people here even bother with megadeth after countdown. shit, i even got rid of countdown. killing is my business, peace sells, and rust in peace should be enough for anyone.

taste is objective dammit!! :loco:

If I got into Megadeth 2 - 3 years ago, I'd probably stick to the first 4 only too. But since I've been into them since Peace Sells was originally released, I've spent an equal time with each subsequent release, and so I'm hanging in there.

They and Iron Maiden are my two favorite metal bands.

P.S. Hidden Treasures is mandatory, for Breakpoint and Go to Hell alone.

P.P.S. The compilation that came out before TWNAH features Dread & the Fugitive Mind and Kill the King -- two songs that everyone should check out. Top notch stuff.
First 4 = some of the best metal you're ever going to hear. Period.
CtE and Youthanasia = lots of great songs
CW = their "black album", not bad, but popcorn metal all the way
Risk = bad, but not as bad as everyone makes out (I like Insomnia, Prince of Darkness, and the last 2 tracks, Time 1 & 2)
TWNAH = bad, but Dread & the Fugitive Mind is superb, and Return to Hangar is cool
System has Failed = their best since Youthanasia
United Abominations = their best since Countdown (top 10 material all the way)

I'm pretty much with you my metal brother, on this one.

With exception, I like the album in question here and I can't fucking stand Risk. Goddamn hockey metal. :lol:
Yeah, I do admit, the 'anthem' that was "Crush 'Em" was a horrendous low point. I think it even made it to the Universal Soldier 2 soundtrack.

Actually, "Breadline" was even worse.
1 - Rust in Peace
2 - So Far So Good So What
3 - Peace Sells...But Who's Buying
4 - Countdown to Extinction
5 - Cryptic Writings
6 - Youthanasia
7 - Killing is my Business...and Business is good
8 - Hidden Treasures
9 - Risk
EDIT: 10 - The new album is guaranteed not to be worse than TWNAH or your money back
11 - The World Needs a Hogie

Ace? I'd rank them the same. I haven't bothered with the new one though..

Holy shit, I'd change that ranking today:

1. RiP
3. Killing is my Business
4. Peace Sells
5. Countdown to Extinction
6. United Abominations
7. Youthanasia
8. The System has Failed
9. Cryptic Writings
10.Hidden Treasures
11. Risk
Here's my ranking:

1. Rust in Peace
2. Countdown to Extinction
3. Peace Sells...But Who's Buying?
4. So Far So Good...So What!
5. Killing Is My Business...and Business Is Good
6. Hidden Treasures
7. Youthanasia
8. United Abominations
9. Cryptic Writings
10. The System Has Failed
11. The World Needs a Hero Sandwich
12. Risk
This talk of Risk being so bad makes me want to go out and buy it, just to hear for myself. Were there any songs on it that I might have heard on the radio at that time? Wasn't Breadline on it?
Breadline was on it, and I think they even made a video for it. Check youtube.

Crush 'Em you would have definitely heard.

Maybe Insomnia, Prince of Darkness.

I'll be There for You is a total homage to Bon Jovi.

Gah, the whole album was catered towards 14 year old Japanese girls with semi-developed love mounds.
To this day, I've never heard Crush 'Em although I know it was written for the Phoenix Coyotes. Dave lives (or used to live) outside of Phoenix.
To this day, I've never heard Crush 'Em although I know it was written for the Phoenix Coyotes. Dave lives (or used to live) outside of Phoenix.

It was also used by some WWF wrestler (as his intro music), and it got picked up in the soundtrack to Universal Soldier 2 with Jeanne Claude Van Damme and Goldberg.

Actually, d'oh, yeah I think Goldberg used Crush Em as his intro theme in his wrestling fixes.