what the fuck to do with my life plz

My gal stormed out on me last week amidst foreplay, said "you need to read some books, or watch some porno." It was pretty emasculating and embarrassing to say the least, (after the initial pissed off blue ball factor wore off.) Honestly didn't do anything wrong, sans not doing anything with my hands, as they were bracing my ugly bald head. Woops

I received an apology the following day, but goat damn, I think I'm intimately scarred.

Also, lofnl @ Dorian's situation. Dont you already rake in six figures? Wtf is your money going?
Kari Wuhrer
Did you ever see those Hellraiser sequels she was in? They sucked! But you know what was even worse? The Prophecy sequels she was in! Oh man, what pieces of shit. The ending to the fifth Prophecy "film" is up there with Troll 2 in terms of Utter Stupid.
I just read her IMDB. I didn't know there even was a Beastmaster 2. It is supposed to be one of the worst sequels ever!

Well, I mean to be fair, after the original masterpiece of cinema, everything else would be clearly downhill from there. :zombie:
Back OT: I was pretty close to murdering my wife last night over something extremely trivial, but I redirected my rage into her pillow at the last second. Afterwards, she vowed to never have sex with me ever again. When it comes to love, I think Brak said it best:

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I've never said never, I remain vaguely pro/con the whole breeding thing. I think I kind of want to, but my wife doesn't want kids. And that's okay. However, my guess is that when I turn 40 I'll leave her for some 24 year old nubile bint in a panicked urge to spawn. The Hollywood Option.
when I turn 40 I'll leave her for some 24 year old nubile bint in a panicked urge to spawn.
That's what most (try to) do unless they realize shitz before the regular old lady has gone dry. Only most people can't see into the future like the nadator.

I'd just like a big fat list for the told you so-possibilities
told you so

Or maybe I didn't but I should have and would have if you said so to me, and if I didn't get to say told you so because you got kids eventually I'd get to say it when you died lonely and miserable

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