Fuck my life...

More time pass more I feel that I live in some kind of prison, more I conlcude that I am a slave of the needs I have. So freedom just comes as a pretty word that we like to use from time to time to remember that we can choose, but can we? really?

Of course we can choose our job, our girlfriend, our car but always limited to some inerent conditions of our lifes. So, indeed we can choose and we have freedom but not the freedom that we think we have, there are always some kind of pression, condition, limitation to our lifes.

Freedom is a relative ideal, it's never an absolute in real life. By definition we are born from other people who, in a way, 'own' us, or at least, we owe to them our very lives. We aren't born out of our own free will; none of us is truly free or self-sufficient from the rest of mankind, specially nowadays.
As the world keeps getting more stuffed with people, we'll keep seeing how less 'special' we are, so many millions of people out there besides oneself.
I think a good way to overcome this is by trying to become a better human being, or a better version of yourself, and also better at what you like to do, each day. That can help give your life meaning, and also make you feel better about yourself.

The only sense of 'freedom' you can attain by yourself is the feeling that your decisions are your own, that the path(s) in life that you choose has been chosen by you, not imposed onto you by someone else.
Just bear in mind that whatever paths you take, there will always be regrets, and many other choices, chances, relationships, etc you'll inevitably miss and never get to experience; try not to become too depressed about that. That's just the way life is.

I think once we hit 30 the 'warranty' on our body expires. I used to pity people who had to go to doctors, nowadays I'm going to a doctor appointment at least once, each month or two, for whatever reason, spending some money on exams or the occasional prescription. It's normal. Sounds like you need to start taking better care of yourself so as to improve your health, and your sense of well-being.

I'd also say if you want to do something (positive) in life just do it, you owe it to yourself. Don't let time catch with you until you no longer have a choice. Despite what religious people tell you (to try to convince themselves) you only get to live once, and if we get to choose only one path -or a limited number of them, at best- then might as well make it a worthwhile one.

If you find the correct one person that will give meaning to the rest of your life you'll be set, but before that, I think it's important to try and reach a balance of your own self.

Take control of your life and do it yourself, so that it has meaning for you.
I highly recommend Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, its basically about learning why and how you move between different emotional states and learns you to move from one to the other.
I had very similar problems, but through CBT i basically learned how to switch my emotional state to a more positive and happier one.

Some basic CBT you can do before meeting a therapist is the following:

1. Make a list of things that normally would make you feel relaxed and happy.
2. The first thing to do when you wake up is to take a shower(You should try not to snooze or do anything that stresses you before showering.).
3. Take a walk, it doesn't have to be long but longer walks are usually better(The sunlight as well as the physical activity releases allot of healthy hormones.).
4. Do one of the things on the list mentioned in point 1.
5. Don't spend more time trying to do these things than you feel that you have time for.. its better if you only spend 10-15 minutes each morning and feel relaxed than spending to much time doing it and feeling pressured(But it is important to be consistent about following through each day.).

Eventually this will raise your lower point somewhat, its basically about teaching your brain to chill the fuck out and be a bit happier again.. it takes a few weeks before you'll really notice anything though.

Another thing is to stay away from quick dopamine kicks, just keeping your dopamine levels even will help you ALLOT(Sex is the exception though since it releases so many healthy hormones.).

You know what, I'm gonna apply these. Sounds reasonable, simple, and probably beneficial in the long term ! And I will fight my procrastination by making "guitar playing" one of these things from number 1 :p
Once again, thanks a lot all of you for your helpful posts, there are here valuable information. It´s just another phase, it happens once in awhile but I am already taking actions to overcome.
Sleep, eat well, nofap. You'll have a clear head, feel well, and have mental/physical stamina.

Eat well to sleep better. Sleep better to nofap. Nofap to eat.

Btw.. no nofap thread ?
1. get sunshine in the morning
2. exercise, even if its just walking as said before, but something that raises the heart rate is good
3. eat well (more fruit and vegetables) and cut down on caffeine and alcohol
4. meditation / yoga / mindfulness, and practice abdominal breathering
5. persevere with the above for at least a couple of months
6. reconnect with something you used to enjoy or take up a new interest or hobby
7. see a doctor or psychologist if you need more help
Despite what religious people tell you (to try to convince themselves) you only get to live once, and if we get to choose only one path -or a limited number of them, at best- then might as well make it a worthwhile one.

Religious people and Quantum Physicists, especially Robert Lanza. But the latter aren't hell bent on it and it's still just a theory. :tickled: