i have newb computer problems

Every time I log off of something, the next time I log in I have to type in my username and password and all that shit. What has happened and how do I fix it? It even happened with my browser, I had to request a new password to check my fucking email. Doesn't it have something to do with cookies? I don't want to mess with something called "cookies". I'll just stop using the internet and go do something manly, like take a shit while drinking a beer.

what the fuuuuuckkk

i installed XP again from a CD I found, but I guess this sort of XP isn't compatible with my laptop because I can't fit the resolution properly to my widescreen (causing a bluriness and a ton of lagging in any browser)

Did you install the correct video card drivers?
This is what my screen looks like what do I do guys


It looks like the card has been overclocked too much/overheated. I've had that happen to me. The only fix for me was a new card.