ok... here it comes... you all knew it would.. heh heh..

... and apologies J., as a lot of this doesn't have much to do with your questions.
i am online all day and all night, with my DAW computer, and i never have a problem. i have no firewall, i have no antivirus software, so i waste no time or money on those at all. nor do waste my time with spyware prevention or pop-up blocking... as before, zero time and zero money invested in those.
the regulars here already know why... it's because i'm on a Mac. i work all night and most of the day... i chat with clients and friends, and surf any sites i want, including porn

... i never worry about what i click on. several times in the last month i've had an Instant Message window from a friend pop open and read, "hey, check this out!!!" along with a URL link... i click them every time because i'm so used to my freinds sending links to funny shit all day and night that i don't even think twice, i just click. turns out they were not sent by my friends specifically, but by a worm virus that hijacked their buddy lists and started sending out links to some kind of virus download. i just say, "oh, how lame", and keep working. i know the virus won't infect me. why? 99.9% of viruses are .exe files, and .exe files don't run on Macs... they are just ignored.
the money and time i save is worth the pc/mac price difference alone... not to mention the 1001 other reasons that compel me towards working on my Macs, even though i have a "nice" PC sitting right in the next room.
and now the new PowerMac G5 Quad processor models are out (and they can be loaded with up to 16GB or ram)

.... life is good.
was a PC man... i thought macs were "toy". i was wrong. i don't care what any of you can put together and build yourself with this or that AMD processor, blah, blah, blah... i buy a mac, toss a pci card or 3 in, toss some more memory in, install my software, hook up the interfaces to the pci cards and i get down to business... no compatiblity issues, no conflicts, no optimizing the OS... it just works. time is money boys and girls, and i'll be half way through mixing an album while you're still sussing out why your graphics card doesn't like your sound card.
And games... don't even get me started on games. Xbox wastes enough of my life as it is. my computers make me happy, but i don't play games on them... they are tools, and as such they(Macs) are not for everyone. But hey, i'm not trying to change anyone... PC-it if you must, i'm sure you'll get work done... people do everyday. just a matter of the amount of grief you don't mind subjecting yourself to and the amount of time you don't mind wasting while some Winblows service pack or update or other fucks your life and work up, or some hardware conflict in your home-made marvel makes you want to open a vein.
i fully expect more PC heroes to pipe in here now and defend the honor of the "roll your own" PC Erector-Set mavens with blurbs like "i like being able to choose every single piece of my computer, etc. etc", blah blah... more power to ya.. but it doesn't cause you make music more efficiently.
at the end of the day, use whatever you want or
have to use... this post is not intended to convert PC users to Mac.... the reason for it is just because i felt like it.... and it's true... so there.