So I hear the 'new' Superman flick is supposed to be complete pants

ALWAYS watch through the ending credits. Seriously. That was the only part of X-men 3 worth paying for really.

The woman says the new Superman was really good. Same director as Usual Suspects, I'll rent it eventually I'm sure.
dill_the_devil said:
Blade: Trinity > Batman Forever > The Fantastic Four > Daredevil > Elektra > Batman & Robin

Why even bother ranking this bunch? I mean, why not just throw in Catwoman and The Punisher while you're at it? :loco:

jimbobhickville said:
Batman Begins is great.

X-Men 1 & 2 >>>>> all of them.

No way are X Men 1 or 2 better than Batman Begins. No way!!

NADatar said:
The woman says the new Superman was really good. Same director as Usual Suspects, I'll rent it eventually I'm sure.

The fact that it's Superman ALL OVER AGAIN makes me think this is either a rental or HBO.

I'm not sure why people need to see the story of Superman all over....especially when you can get Lois & Clark: The TV series on DVD. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
The fact that it's Superman ALL OVER AGAIN makes me think this is either a rental or HBO.

Good thing it isn't Superman all over again, noob. That's why it's Superman Returns. Louis Lane is married, for instance.

Put on your geek hat before you say things like that! God! Worst. Post. Ever. /comicbookguy.
Fuck that, that's nowhere near enough plot for a brand new take on the same old theme. So he goes away for 5 years and comes back, big fucking whoop.

It's STILL Clark Kent growing up in hickville, it's still him making his kryptonite temple thingy up north, it's still him in Metropolis, it's still that goddamn Marlon Brando's Superman all over again.

Gene Hackman throws the chains around his neck and dumps him in the this time he gets stabbed with a piece of kryptonite...and then gets dumped in the pool.

It's not even Superman "reinvented".

Even if there are slight tweaks to the storyline, I can only imagine that comic geeks or kids who haven't seen the original would bother with this.

This movie should have taken the next step in Superman at the movies....this should have been the movie version of "The Death of Superman", if anything.

Seriously, why not just tune in to the WB and start watching frickin' Smallville (the re-runs).
What are you talking about man? This is a big fuckin' event. Superman is COMING BACK from when he peaced out at the end of the story.

It has nothing to do with Clark Kent growing up in hickville etc. etc.

This isn't a re-telling of any story.
Haha, I'm just trying to figure out what you think the story is?

Look, all I can do is go on reviews and what other people are saying.

Here's a review from Entertainment Weekly, which pretty much summarizes what lots of people are saying:

The surprise of Superman Returns is that it isn't a funky, ambitious conceptual reimagining, like last summer's Batman Begins. This really is your father's Superman; it re-creates — and updates, though just barely — the universe Donner invented. Opening with the voice of Marlon Brando as he murmurs cosmic gibberish (somewhere, he must be giggling at the way his worst performance keeps getting recycled), the movie then blasts us with those lasery blue ''X-ray vision'' credits, which now look about as eye-popping as a game of Pong. John Williams' theme music has been revived, and so has the crystal-chintz Fortress of Solitude, where Jor-El appears on those Krypton DVDs. Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacey), cue-ball-headed and deeply insecure, once again leads a fumbly team of camp thugs as he plots to be the ultimate real estate pig.

And Superman? He's been gone for five years, having left Earth to attend to the tragic remains of his planet. It's never clear why this would take him more than a long weekend, but at a Superman movie it's best not to spend much time questioning the logic. What matters is that Brandon Routh, the 26-year-old unknown who took on the role that every Hollywood actor with a name turned down, has Christopher Reeve's dimples, streaky eyebrows, prominent nose, and Olympic-gymnast facial planes, and that he plays Superman by unabashedly mimicking Reeve's performance. As the twittery nerd Clark Kent, Routh stammers with mock anxiety, bowing his head as he pushes his glasses up with his index finger, and he's all sexy, straight-staring chivalry as the clear-eyed, rock-chested Superman, a god too noble to be a stud, even when he's coursing through the air with Lois Lane (Kate Bosworth) in his arms.

Routh, it must be said, isn't nearly as nimble a comedian as the hulking yet light-footed Reeve, who made Clark a figure of fun, playing up the way this office dweeb was really an actor, and carrying a hint of that amused spark over to his portrayal of Superman as well. Routh, who actually resembles a tall, buff Jason Schwartzman, lacks that authority; he's virtually the same age as Reeve was when Reeve first played the part, but Routh's Superman isn't quite a man — he's closer to an eager adolescent. As Lois, Kate Bosworth, in wavy brown hair and a permanent expression of worry, seems more like a corporate lawyer than a sassy reporter; she's earnest when she should be zestful. Remember the Sunset Boulevard line about how movie stars used to be — ''We had faces''? At Superman Returns, you watch Routh and Bosworth and remember back to Reeve and Margot Kidder, that witchy-lipped flirt, and you think, They had personalities!

Yet Routh and Bosworth have a puppyish connection that grows on you, and it's tapped by a shrewd romantic story. Superman Returns expands the love ''triangle'' of Lois/Clark/Superman by having Lois caught between Richard (James Marsden), her spirited fiancé, and the hero she's still craving. She also has an asthmatic kid who may just be a Supertyke. During Superman's absence, Lois penned a Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial (''Why the World Doesn't Need Superman'') that's really a statement of her I-will-survive independence, and Bosworth turns Lois' still-burning attraction to the Man of Steel into a haunted metaphor for the dream of white-knight perfection that every woman, potentially, gives up when she settles down.

I wish that Superman Returns were more original, and (in its first 45 minutes) better paced, but Singer, after two X-Men films, is now a commanding orchestrator of pop spectacle. The movie gets tighter and fiercer as it goes along. Kevin Spacey, for all the hilarity of his zombie sarcasms, lends a hungry gravitas to Lex's dreams, and as Luthor creates a crystalline fortress of megalomania, which evokes the remains of the World Trade Center, Singer does his grandest work to date. I was happy, in the end, that Superman came back, though I hope next time he does something I can hardly believe.

I think the overall feeling here is that it is Superman all over again. I dunno, maybe it's my age...I saw the original Superman when it was out at the movies (I was 8 years old) and at 35 now, I'm not sure if I'm as keen to see *basically* the same thing again with new special FX.
lizard, plz make Richard Pryor acct thx.

I found our shit! I brought our shit home. This is our shit.
im a huge superman fan, and i dont give a shit about this movie. Christopher Reeve will always be Superman, just like CHristian Bale will always be Batman.

I wanna see Lady in the Water because it probably has a surprise ending!!!!
Trylakos said:
what about Spawn?:P

Shit, I forgot about Spawn... personally, I really rate that movie quite highly - because, despite the absolutely godawful acting, lacklustre plotting and dodgy pacing, visually it's an incredibly imaginative and accomplished film. It's one of the few films I can think of where I've been willing to forgive huge flaws just because of how GOOD the damned thing looks. It's no Spider-Man 2, but I'd rank it around the equal of the first Blade movie just for visual imagination alone.

Jay - haven't seen Catwoman yet, so I can't in good conscience rate it. As for The Punisher - well, I've been trying to forget about that worthless piece of shit. I LOVE the Punisher comics, and that film completely shat on them. Oh, and by the way - if you've ever watched and enjoyed a remake or an adaptation of any existing piece of cinema and/or literature, your argument against this film is pretty flawed. If not, I salute your steadfast stance against progress. You Luddite, you. ;)
dill_the_devil said:
Shit, I forgot about Spawn... personally, I really rate that movie quite highly - because, despite the absolutely godawful acting, lacklustre plotting and dodgy pacing, visually it's an incredibly imaginative and accomplished film. It's one of the few films I can think of where I've been willing to forgive huge flaws just because of how GOOD the damned thing looks. It's no Spider-Man 2, but I'd rank it around the equal of the first Blade movie just for visual imagination alone.

Jay - haven't seen Catwoman yet, so I can't in good conscience rate it. As for The Punisher - well, I've been trying to forget about that worthless piece of shit. I LOVE the Punisher comics, and that film completely shat on them. Oh, and by the way - if you've ever watched and enjoyed a remake or an adaptation of any existing piece of cinema and/or literature, your argument against this film is pretty flawed. If not, I salute your steadfast stance against progress. You Luddite, you. ;)
I haven't seen Spawn since I tohught it was a "scary" movie... I guess I might check it out again sometime
Superman was cool, wasnt boring. Brandon Routh did an excellent job.
my only complaint is that the bad guy is luthor. If they make another one I hope its against someone that has a chance to beat his ass. like Darkseid or some shit.
Krigloch the Furry-ass said:
wtf is wrong with you???
Xmen 3 was good just because wolverine is in it. the rest of the movie sucks ass.

Oh, you mean I'm not allowed to have a differing opinion because it somehow makes me wrong? Gee, where have I not run into this problem 7,777,777,777 times on the interweb.