So I heard Five Serpents Teeth at the Earache tent at Download....


Devoid of thought
Aug 5, 2006
Between The Hammer And The Anvil
I really enjoyed it, but then there was never really any doubt I would. I wish I had known who Russ was when I was there. I only found out now that he was there. It sounds fantastic. I don't want to say anything to spoil it for anyone but for me personally the best thing about it is the vocals. Unless by some chance I am one of the competition winners for the Metal Hammer thing, I look forward to hearing it again in a few months. Thanks to the guy at the earache tent in the Warbringer shirt who happened to tap me on the shoulder and tell me about it after having seen I was wearing my Evile jacket. He shouldn't have said it was a meet n greet aswell though :lol: It wasn't.

As for the Evile set itself, well very unfortunately for me having stayed to watch Mr Big (who, incidentally, were outstanding apart from Erics' voice on 'To Be With You') it meant that I could not get half as close as I would have liked. The result was the first ever Evile gig that I did not enjoy. Considering I have been to twent something of their gigs now, I don't cmplain. Nor could I since it's not the fault of the guys in any way. As it is typical of Download (6th year in a row for me, and quite possibly my last) the sound is no good unless you are right down close. A lot of echo made things indistinguishable and I feel the guys were let down by this, as were many other bands I saw. Like Down. That pissed me off. However, such is the nature of what Download has become I'm afraid to say.

Was anyone else there?